It's your fault!

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LeighWe all had a bit of a lie-in this morning and honestly, it felt amazing. Perrie was absolutely exhausted from last night, as was Jade really. She got the least sleep out of all of us as she had woken up with me then sorted Perrie out and I was asleep not long after Pez , she then had to work around us both to get herself comfy and asleep. She was an absolute gem though, she didn't want to wake either of us up and it just made me feel quite happy about how cute she was. I woke up first and decided to cuddle up to Jade, she had an arm free and a lovely, comfy looking chest which I gently rested my head on. She chuckled slightly then rubbed my back a and fell back asleep. It had been a while since we'd really slept this way as I was pregnant and then there's Perrie. It doesn't always work out! I soon got up and out of bed and downstairs though. I decided to make pancakes! My girls loved them and I'm hoping they'd cheer little Pezmania up as well! Not long after I started cooking, a little blonde beauty walked into the kitchen followed by my lovely fiance. Pez slid herself into the seat at the table and JAde came and slid her arms around my torso and kisses my neck. 

"good monring my beautiful girl," She whispered. I smiled and turned my head to kiss her. 
"Good afternoon princess," I replied to her. She groaned and giggled at me then rested her head on my shoulder.

"Coffee?" she asked. I nodded and she began making drinks.

"Right girlies, I'm off to get baby Brooklyn. I'll be back later." Jade smiled and came into the living room with her car keys in her hand. She then pointed at Pez.
"Be good monkey," she winked, blew a kiss at me and left.

Perrie groaned and flopped on the sofa. 

"Why she alway go evwywhere mama?" SHe mumbled through her paci. 

"She's only gone to get your sister, she'll be back soon," I chuckled.

"Weah! but she alway go evwywwhere and weave me here!" She whimpered. I pouted but walked over to where she was and pulled her up.

"Well thats a conversation you have to have with mummy your self little one, for now, we are going to do some baking!" I giggled. She gasped, got up and instantly ran to the kitchen, clearly excited about baking. She was honestly the cutest little, no arguments allowed.

"rightio then little one, was your hands," I smiled and turned on the tap. She rinsed her hands, put the soap on and then washed them again. I kissed her cheek then did the same with mine. 
"Can mama have this whilst we bake baba?" I asked and put my finger in her paci loop. She furrowed her eyebrows at me but nodded. I took it out. "Thank you baby, good girl.""What we making mama?" Perrie asked me, jumping up and down. I giggled and took out the ingredients for chocolate cookies. "Some lovely chocolate cookies but you have to be a good girl," I said to her. She nodded her head over and over. I helped Pez as she poured all the ingredients into the bowl and began kneeding the mixture. I sorted out the tray for them."like this baby," I sadi and demonstrated hwo to make them into a good shaped ball. 

"Yeah, I know mama," she groaned and didn't watch me. I think she was getting tired and a little grumpy now, hence the attitude.
"I'll leave you to it then," I said to her, she nodded once and made the balls and put them on a tray. I began to clean up the mess.

Once the cookies where in the oven, Perrie insisted she sat in front and watched them cook. I had no objections really as long as she didn't touch the oven and waited for me to take them out. With about a minute a half left on the cooker, I told Perrie I was going to the toilet and to turn the oven off like a big girl when they were ready but to not open it or touch it or attempt to take them out. I heard the beeper go off just as I flushed the toilet, I went to wash my hands then I heard a swear word and a crash. I ran out of the bathroom and to the kitchen. The oven door was open, our cookies were all over the floor and Perrie was crying in the corner. I sighed and shut the oven door then made sure it was turned off. 
"What did mama tell you hm?" I asked Pez and sat down in front of her. I groaned when Hatchi came in to the kitchen barking. Perrie just sniffed and covered her ears btu as she did I saw a bright red mark on her fingers. She had obviously burnt herself. I gently took hold of her wrist and made her show me her hand. Her fingers were almost red raw. "Perrie, this is why when mama tells you to not do something, you don't do it!" I said to her, slightly annoyed. She was crying and whining. Hatchi was trying to eat the cookies from the floor as well so I quickly went and picked them up and put them in the bin, as hygienic as I would like my house to be, I knew we couldn't eat floor cookies. "lets sort you out baby," I whispered and lifted Perrie up under her arms. She let me lead her to the sink where I held her hand under the cool tap. 

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