A long time coming

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The longer I sat outside watching Pez make snow angels and roll balls of snow around having a wonderful time, the colder I was getting. If I'm being honest after being outside in the snow for two hours I was more than ready to go inside, my feet were getting cold and I'm sure Perrie is going to get cold at some point. She also hasn't been to the potty yet, well gone to the toilet yet, I didn't know what I was supposed to call it, she wasn't in her really little headspace yet but once again she wasn't big so I was in unfamiliar territory right now, I didn't want to baby her too much and then for her to get annoyed but I also don't want her thinking I don't care and I'm not looking after her, so I guess this afternoon I needed the find the balance.

One thing I did know was the tireder Pez got this evening, the more likely the chance is that she will be slipping into her very little headspace which of course I don't mind. I don't care what headspace she's in as long as she's happy like she is right now. The good thing with her is she doesn't even have to tell me that she's slipping further because her behaviour really reflects it, for example right now she's okay playing by herself and me just sitting and watching from a distance, but if she was in her usual little headspace she'd be really clingy and would want to be playing near me and having me help her a lot more. She will also want her paci and her blankie and teddies close by, so I just had to watch out for the signs really and just see where she would end up today.


I knew Leigh wasn't very far away from home, she rang me a couple of minutes ago letting me know she was very close, I decided against telling Perrie this because otherwise my blonde little baba will be asking me constantly 'wheres Leigh Leigh?' 'where's mama?' and as sweet as it is that she wants Leigh to come home I'd rather its just a surprise when Leigh walks through the door.

In all honesty I was very proud of Perrie she has been such a good girl today and has been waiting so patiently this evening, she's not complained too much about having dinner late which is good and right now she's sitting in the lounge with me drinking her orange juice from the sippie cup so she's quite happy especially since I've put Moana on for her. She did look very adorable because she was all cuddled up in her pretty fluffy and cosy dressing gown, it was white and just insanely fluffy she looked like a little golden retriever or maybe even the friendliest polar bear ever! I had put her hair into a little bun earlier to avoid it getting in her way, I know when I take the bun out for her it will be all curly and make her look even cuter if that is possible!

Just as Moana returned the heart, the front door clicked open. My head spun round to the hallway and I stood up to help with Brooklyn and the bags. Perrie was too engrossed in the movie to notice I'd left her side. When I laid eyes on my beautiful girlfriend I couldn't help but smile. I jogged to her slightly and wrapped her up in my arms. "I've missed you!" She giggled and looked at me smiling wide. She planted her lips to mine and I hummed into the kiss. She wrapped her arms around my waist and lifted me up slightly. When air eventually became a problem, we parted. I looked down and saw my gorgeous daughter sleeping in her car seat. 
"Mommy!" I heard cry from the living room. "Through here baby." I replied and bent down to get my daughter out. 
"MAMAAAA!" Perrie screeched when she saw Leigh. I watched as she ran and jumped into Leigh's arms. I'm so glad she managed to catch her and stay stood up! "Hi baby girl." Leigh giggled as she dropped Perrie back to her feet. "Mama I missed you!" Perrie laughed and wrapped her arms around Leigh again. "I missed you too munchkin!" 

I took Brooklyn out and held her in my arms, I'd missed my princess so much! As if by magic, when I started rocking her, her eyes flickered open softly. "Why hello princess," I cooed at my sleepy girl. I then got a little gurgle in reply! She was really developing, she was 7 weeks old now! I looked over at Perrie and Leigh, Pez's head was resting on Leigh's shoulder and they were still cuddling. "I got a call earlier she has a check-up tomorrow." Leigh giggled and nodded her head at Brooklyn. "Okay." I smiled. "Hi baby." I giggled at my gorgeous girl, she was guzzling and honestly wouldn't take her eyes of me. 

Leigh was in and unpacked! Tea had also just arrived. "Can you come and help me?" I asked Leigh sweetly, she nodded and tapped Perrie's legs. "Up you get princess, Mommy needs my help." She said gently. "No mama." Perrie groaned and wrapped her arms around Leigh's neck. "Pez come on, mommy wants my help." Leigh whispered. "Mommy be big girl, mommy do it. Mama stay with Pewwie." She muttered softly.  Leigh-Anne just gave me a sympathetic look, I shrugged and went to sort the food out by myself. 

I finished sorting the food onto plates for me and Leigh and I put little bits of boneless chicken on a small plate for Perrie. "Leigh, can you come and put her in her chair?" I shouted. "Coming." Leigh shouted back. I laid our plates on the table. Perrie came trudging in with Leigh-Leigh following her. "Come on baby girl, up you get." I chimed and tapped the chair's seat. Leigh sat down and began eating, I could see her eyes making hearts! "I no wanna." She whimpered and shuffled her feet. "Why not princess, I know you're hungry." I sighed and went to take her hand. "Mama knee." She whimpered and looked at Leigh sadly. "You want to sit on Mama's knee?" I asked her. She nodded and let a small tear roll down her cheek. 
"Hey, no need for tears, come here baby." Leigh pushed her chair out and tapped her knee. Pez sat herself comfortably on mama's knee and rested her head on Leigh-Anne's  shoulder. I sighed and put the small, plastic plate in front of Perrie and let her pick at it. Honestly, I didn't want Leigh to let her sit on her knee, not because I wanted Perrie to be upset but because Perrie knows she needs to sit in her highchair during meal time! Leigh just let her get away with it!  I understand they've missed each other but that shouldn't mean Perrie can get away with not following rules. Though I kept my mouth shut and laughed as Perrie stole Leigh-Anne's chips- even though she had plenty on her own plate! 

Dinner had finished and Perrie was once again curled up in Leigh-Anne's side on the sofa. I just put Brooklyn in her cot which was in my and Leigh's room for now, I had the baby monitor set up on my phone though so we could see her! "You ready for bed little one?" I asked Perrie as I leaned over the back of the sofa and moved some hair from her face. "Hmm." She hummed in reply. "Mama do it." She grumbled. That meant she wanted Leigh to put her to bed! I didn't mind one bit. "Lets all go upstairs, I'm ready for cuddles with Jadey in our bed." Leigh smirked at me. To be honest, I'm hoping she meant more than cuddles. Perrie crawled in front of us and I kissed Leigh before she got chance to stand up. I haven't really had chance to really talk to her yet, Perrie has been stuck to her side. 

I got comfortable in bed, I had a pair of knickers and an oversized t-shirt on. I was just ready for girlfriend cuddles! Just as I was about to go and see what was taking so long Leigh came in. I smiled wide as she flopped down onto the bed. "She's a handful when she's clingy," Leigh laughed at me. "I know," I replied and slid down next to her. I put one knee on either side of her and my hands above her head. "Hi," She giggled. "Hi," I smirked as I admired her beautiful features. "Are you going to keep staring or kiss me?" She teased. I blushed a little then bent down to kiss her passionately. She hummed loudly causing me to hold back a laugh. I sat up again and sat her up with me, I lifted her arms and stripped her to her bra. "So pretty."I whispered and quickly unclipped her bra...



Upto the --- is written by littlemixlove22 

I hope you all liked! x

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