Sleepy time

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"Mommyyyyyy." Perrie giggled as I gently splashed her with water.
"What angel?" I replied, doing it again. She tried to catch the water before it hit her body.
"Mommyyyyy stop." She cried attempting to splash me back.
"Okay, okay. Mommy will stop." I leaned over and kissed her forehead. She hummed as I did so. "Are you ready to get out princess?" I asked as I ran some water through her hair with a jug.
"Hmm mommy." She muttered. "I wie down?" She asked as she leant back.
"Maybe not baby girl, you'll get your hair soapy again. Let's got you out and we can go sleepy time." I replied softly. I stood up as she did to. Her arms reached out for me slowly and I held her as she climbed out one foot after the other. I wrapped the towel around her dripping body and stayed hugging her for a minute.
"You know Mommy loves you lots and lots don't you princess?" I asked softly.
"Sometime mommy." She replied, shyly.
"Aww baby, mommy loves you so much all the time. I know sometimes I'm busy with Brooklyn or Leigh or work but that doesn't mean I don't love you okay? You're my little ray of sunshine and I'm so happy to have you." I smiled and kissed the top of her head which was curled up in my chest.
"Thank you mommy." She whispered and let her thumb slide into her mouth. I really did have a polite little girl.

After Perrie let me dry her and diaper her, she chose not to have any clothes on for bed which I was a little hesitant about since it was freezing outside. However it was nice and warm in here.
"If you wake up in the night and you're too cold. Make sure you wake mommy up. Okay?" I asked. She nodded in reply. I quickly finished plaiting her hair and kissed her head again.
"Mommy stwop kissing me." She giggled and wiped her face.
"But baby I like kissing you. It shows you that I love you so much. And you're too cute not give forehead kisses to!" I laughed and held my arms out. She crawled onto my lap and rested her head in the crease of my neck and draped her legs over my crossed knees.
"Comfy angel?" I asked. She whispered a 'yeah' and started playing with my fingers.

It was about 10:45 now and I knew she was tired. But I also know she is slightly overtired, which is never good. "Come on the princess, let's lie down." I whispered, trying not to wake her up with a heavy voice.
"Hmm mommy." She muttered as I lifted my legs. She reached for Tinkerbell, Tigger, Baloo and Lily the lion. When I slid out of bed to grab my pyjama pants she slid all of the teddies into my place. (Baring in mind we only managed to get a room with one double bed). I turned around and she was laying them all out. I just sighed and put my hands on my hips. Once she was done she rolled over and looked at me.
"What Wong mommy?" She asked innocently.
"Baby girl, where is mommy going to sleep?" I giggled and went to sit on the bed facing my princess.
"Errr, here." She patted the tiniest spot on the bed between her and the wall.
"Oh baby, mommy won't fit there." I laughed. She looked at the spot with wide eyes then back at me with pooling eyes.
"I no no where mommy sleep. My fwends need woom." She whispered.
"You don't need to get upset princess." I whispered back and stroked her cheek with my thumb. She let a lonely tear escape when she blinked.
"But I no no where mommy sweep." She choked.
"Well why don't we move you up a little bit, and I think..." I picked up Baloo and placed him right next to Lily the lion, "Baloo wants to cuddle Lily the Lion."
"And," I now picked up Tigger and Tinkerbell and opened Perries arms, Tinkerbell settled and Tigger moved to the other side of Lily the lion. "Tink wants Perrie cuddles and Tigger want to meet his new friend Lily." I smiled, now there was room for me to sleep. Perrie looked around cautiously and slid her padded bottom over toward Baloo meaning I could climb over her carefully and slide comfortably between her and the wall!
Once I was comfortable Perrie curled herself up at my side; Tinkerbell looped in her arm. I wrapped my arm around her back and rubbed up and down her arm.
"Mommy, we go home tomowow?" She asked me and looked up.
"I hope so angel, Mama comes home tomorrow night." I smiled, thinking of my Leigh Leigh and daughter.
"I stay up mommy?" She giggled.
"If you have a nice long nap, I'll think about it. We don't need a grumpy baby when Leigh gets home do we?" I laughed, imagining it.
"Hehe no mommy." She replied and fiddled with my pants.
"What are you doing angel?"
"Woo got thread on your pants mommy. I get rid of it."
"Oh okay, thanks princess." I giggled. "Now go sleepy okay?" I asked her. She nodded on my chest, causing her to giggle.

Just as I was about to doze off, I head a little giggle.
"No tink, see sweeping." Perrie whispered. Goodness me, what were they planning? I decided to just try to what they were doing.
"Tink Woo being mischewous." Perrie giggled.
"Woo areeee." She chuckles and rolled over. "Hey bawoo, Tink being mischewous."
"I know she say we sould pwank mommy."
"No we not gonna! Mommy be nice and that mean. Pewwie not wan get told off."
"Wiwyyy, no." Perrie giggled.
"Shhh tigger and mommy seeping."

"I'm not sleeping princess." I laughed. I watched her jump though. She rolled over quickly.
"Mommy!!! You scared me!" She said sadly.
"Sorry princess but you're just too cute." I laughed and rolled over, I wrapped my arm over her and held her close to me, I took in the scent of her hair.
"Now sleep." I said softly.

Finally I updated! Without help lol
I hope you all like it!!! X

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