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Perrie"You've had a great first day hun, just remember tomorrow, smile a little more," Carter, my mentor smiled and pulled me into a hug. I hugged him back and smiled at him. "Will do," I giggled. He winked at me and let me leave."See you tomorrow darling."I blushed at the nickname then saw Leigh-Anne's car. I walked round the side, being careful of the road and climbed in."Rosy cheeks, hot in there hun?" Leigh asked and started the car. I just blushed more, I had no idea why I was blushing he only said darling. "Yeah, haha, a little," I replied and turned away. "How was your first day then munchkin?" She asked me and began driving. "Going great till you all turned up," I replied, angrily. "Hey Pez bub, don't be like that. Especially not with Jade please." Leigh replied."You shouldn't have come!!" I shouted."Hey, don't shout at me either." Leigh said and looked at me. "but you shouldn't it wasn't fair," I said, sadder and quieter."I understand that baby girl and I'm sorry. It won't happen again." She said and rested her hand on my leg. I nodded then looked up. "Where are we going?" I asked, noticing we weren't on the way home. "Oh, I just have to get some shopping. Is that okay?" She asked. I nodded and rested my head back. "I'm sorry," I sighed. She shook her head and smiled. "Don't be sorry hun, I get it,"

LeighI wasn't really too sure on what Perrie was feeling right now, whether she wanted to be little or big. She wasn't really making it very obvious which was slightly annoying. I didn't want to push her, whatsoever but then I didn't want her to feel like she had to be little. Nevertheless, I pulled up outside the shops and looked over and Perrie. "You coming in?" I asked. She nodded and took her belt off then climbed out of the car."What do we even need?" She asked me. "Nappies and Jade wants me to grab her some wallpaper samples," I groaned but laughed. "Okay," Perrie replied and walked with me towards Boots."Leigh, I think I need some more pull ups too," she whispered once we entered. "That's alright hun, we'll go get you some once we have Brooke's. She nodded then picked up a basket for me.

After Boots, we walked towards the home store. "Why can't Jade come get them herself?" I heard Pez groan. "She was doingher work, it was a last minute thing," I replied. "Not the point, she could have come herself," Perrie grumbled. "Babe, please don't be mean." "I'm not being mean Leigh!" I just sighed and went to the wallpaper section, Perrie just followed me, being all glum."I don't wanna be little tonight," she said quietly and looked around. I pouted but held out the bag. "That's okay I guess, can you hold this for me?" She took it and sighed. I started flicking through the samples and found some ones that closely fitted Jade's descriptions and wrote them down."Can I ask why?" I said to Perrie and glanced at her, her eyes were teary. She shrugged and mumbled something I couldn't quite hear so I stood up and pulled her into a hug. I ran my fingers through her hair then stood her up in front of me. "Say that again," I wiped her tears with my thumb. "She think's I'm incapable of being a big girl and I-I want to prove her wrong," she sniffed. I sighed then hugged her again. "She doesn't think you're incapable at all baby," I whispered in her ear. There was a little flick of the leg and a large whine then she said that she did. I stood her up again. "Princess, Jade loves you and cares about you so so much, she wants nothing more than to see you happy! Obviously, she cares for you so much when you're little and she has done for over a year now. She's going to struggle letting you go after so much time." Perrie nodded but shuffled her feet. "I- don't just want the mother daughter bond with her though, I want this type of bond, a friendship. Where I can be big with her without her subtly encouraging me to be little all the time. I need my independence." She whispered and kept her eyes down. "I think, you need to have this talk with Jadey yourself babe," I moved some hair from her face and kissed her temple and wiped her eyes again. "Do I have to do it today?" She asked me, I shrugged."You do it when ever you feel like doing it hun, I'll be here to support you when you do. I understand Jade can be a bit like that sometimes, but thats just her overprotective heart," I giggled. Perrie nodded and let out a slight smile. "Anyway, lets get these and head off home."

In the car, Perrie sighed and looked at me. "What if she tires and like cuddles me and wants me to slip?" I shook my head and focused on the road. "I'll have a little chat with her before she comes and sees you. You can go to your room and just chill there if you want or theres always the garden. Just do your own thing whilst Jade finishes work." "Okay," she nodded and pulled out her phone. "But Perrie darling, I'm not forcing you to talk to her but remember, the quicker you talk to her about it all, the quicker things will be sorted out." She sighed and nodded again. "I know."

JadeI heard Leigh get back with Perrie and sighed. I honestly had no idea how she's going to be around me because I know I kind of messed up today. Brooklyn was watching Peppa Pig with me in my office well I say watching, she was half asleep on my sofa whilst I worked. I had two clients coming in tomorrow for a meeting, hence why I asked Leigh to see if she could get me them samples. Just as I was going to open an email, there was a knock on the door and it opened slightly. Leigh popped her head around. "Hey baby," she smiled. I smiled back and gestured for her to come in. "Did you get them?" I asked hopefully, she nodded and put them down on my desk and looked at Brooke. "How do you always get her so peaceful?" Leigh chuckled and came to sit on my knee. I shrugged and giggled. "Magic touch I guess."Leigh looked over my drawing and giggled then ran her fingers through my hair. "You're meant to be designing rooms, not drawing hands." I rolled my eyes. "I'm bored okay," I rested my head on her chest. "Where's Pez?" I asked quietly. "In her bedroom," Leigh replied casually and kissed my head. "Why? Was she naughty?" I asked and sat up. Leigh chuckled gently then shook her head. "She's in her big girl bedroom baba, she's just having some time I guess," She shrugged and kissed my head.I sighed and looked down. "I messed up again didn't I?" Once again, Leigh shook her head and lifted mine up with two fingers. "Don't be so hard on yourself darling, we talked and she just needs to sort herself out a little. You haven't messed anything up," she kissed me softly. I nodded and turned back to my work. "Thanks for picking up the wallpaper, did you get good ones?" I asked. She nodded and handed them me. "Would you like a smoothie bub?" She asked. I smiled and nodded. "Yes please," I flicked through the wallpaper. "Well then, I'll leave you be. Do you want me to take Brooke?" She asked as she walked out of the door. I thought for a second and looked at my sleeping daughter on the sofa."No, she'll be okay," I chuckled. Leigh nodded, blew me a kiss and shut the door behind her. 


from high demand hehe, this is getting posted now! I hope you all like! 

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