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"We need to go Christmas shopping at some point, we still haven't got anything for Perrie or Brooklyn." I giggled as we climbed into the car. "Oh yeah, what do you even want to get them? Shouldn't we get Pez to write a list to Santa first," my fiancée suggested. "Yeah we probably should, she hasn't mentioned anything has she?" I asked, trying to rack my mind. "No, I don't think so. Though whenever she's big she does mention getting a job," Leigh sighed. "Oh yeah, that." I sighed. "Why don't you want her to get a job baby?" Leigh whispered and moved her hand to my leg. "She's our baby girl, she's too little for a job," I whined. "Baby, she is 20 years old, she can get a job if she wants one," Leigh giggled. "But, oh I know. I just honestly don't think she would manage it," I sighed again. "She can hardly stay out of head space for two hours never mind a 6 hour shift at work. It will be stressful for her and I just know she'll struggle, she won't be able to get a nappy change all day and to be honest I don't think she'd agree to be padded so then that risks accidents. If she works in a cafe, you can get extremely rude people, you know how sensitive she gets." I explained. Leigh just looked at me and shook her head, "you're over thinking it. We can make her wear a pull up and explain the accidents, she'll know the consequences Jade. She knows what it's like, she's had a job before."
"But her old job was performing, it was silly gigs every now and then at weddings or birthday parties, it wasn't solid 6+ hour shifts." I said, getting frustrated. "Jadey, calm down, you don't need to get upset. Lets just talk to Perrie about it, yeah?" Leigh suggested and stroked my hair, I nodded. Maybe mommy Jade can convince Perrie not to get a job.
"Ring Jesy," I whispered to Leigh. She quickly rang Jesy and connected my phone to the car.
"Heyyy," Jesy greeted.
"Hello!" I replied, "how's everything?" I asked and turned around the corner.
"Everything's good, Perries being an absolute angel for me, she's helping with Brooklyn, I've never seen her this well behaved.
"Aww that's amazing, can she hear me?" I asked.
"I can mommy!" We heard Pez screech from the phone.
"Oh hi baby girl," me and Leigh giggled.
"Mamaaaaa did you say yes?" Perrie shouted causing Leigh and I to erupt with laughter.
"I did say yes sweetheart!" Leigh laughed.
"YESSSS!" We heard Perrie scream.
"Baby don't scream please," Jesy said.
"Yeah baby, robe it down slightly," I giggled.
"Can you do us a favour Pez?" I asked down the phone.
"I can mommy," she replied in her cute voice.
"Can you write a letter to Santa?" I smirked, Leigh shook her head, laughing and Perrie squealed.
"I can I can I can!" She said, I could just picture her bouncing up and down.
"Okay princes, write anything you want, we'll be home soon," I said.
"Okayyyy mommy, bye mama and mommy!" She cheered, Jesy then also said a goodbye and we hung up.
"I'm so glad she's ours," Leigh giggled from the passenger seat, I looked I her she was resting her head against the window.
"Me too! I've never loved a little this much," I laughed.
"Haha me neither, I won't lie to you, I really didn't like Sadie, she was a spoilt cow." Leigh laughed. I just burst out laughing to. Sadie was our last little, she actually was a spoilt cow. She would scream and shout and cry all the time if she didn't get her own way. That's why Leigh was hesitant to meet Perrie at first, that's why she didn't come with me when I first met her but once I assured Leigh how much of an angel Perrie actually is she wanted nothing more than to meet her. Especially the time Perrie rang me whilst she was in holiday, me and Leigh were cuddling up in bed and whilst hearing our interaction she just knew it will be okay. And look how we are now, just over a year later, we are happy family.
"I wouldn't say I hated her, she was definitely not my favourite person though," I said to Leigh.
"Oh no, I absolutely hated the way she treated you, you know the night she left, how much she hurt you? I was really one that told her to go, I told her that if I ever saw her again and she if she ever even thought about hurting you, she's be the next on my kill list," Leigh giggled.
"You said that to her?!?" I replied, shocked, she just nodded and smirked.
"She was horrible to you, and she was big when I said it anyway so it's okay," Leigh laughed.
"I can't believe you said that babe," I just replied as we pulled up to Smiths toy superstore.
"She hurt you, what do you expect me to do?" She whined and got out of the car.
"Well thank you, for protecting me and getting rid of her," I giggled and joined her at the front of the car, I wrapped my arm around her waist and kissed the side of her head.
I got a picture on my phone of Perries Christmas list.

For Christmas this year I would like:
-a pink bike
-an elephant blanket
-another BIG teddy bear
-some little books
-some big girl books
-big girl clothes
-little clothes
-a new phone hehe
-a record player

"Well that's a nice variation," I giggled and showed Leigh.
"We can get some things for Brooke here and see if we can find her a bike online, some little clothes online, books at like WHSmiths. A blanket online, and a new phone... well," she laughed and handed me my phone back.
"Bless her, look at the hehe," I said and took Leigh's hand. We walked through the shop looking for things we can get for baby Brooklyn. I can't wait for Christmas this year, we'll all be together as a cute family!

It's not edited lol, I hope you all like. I've literally wrote all of this in a space of 40 minutes. Sorry if it's bad but I like it sooooo here's an update! X

My mommy ❤️Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin