Grumpy baby

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Jade"Mummy, my ankle hurtie." Perrie groaned and cuddled into my side. Just then the first firework went off which caused her to jump- a lot then the tears started straight after. I sighed but cuddled her. 
"You're okay," I whispered and stroked her back and gave her lots of kisses. "Come on sweetheart, try take deep breaths for me," I said again. She shook her head and buried it further into my neck. "I think we should go home," Leigh said and took Perrie's hand. 
"Come on bubs, lets go," the fireworks had stopped now so we had to be pretty quick to make sure we can get out of the carpark quick enough. 
Perrie began trudging behind Leigh sniffling to herself. Her head looked up every now and then and I watched as her eyes travelled to the first aid tent. 
"Mama stop!" Perrie said and pulled on Leigh's arm then pointed to it. 
"Mama my ankle super sore," she whispered. I mentally sighed. 
"We can have a look at it in the car baby, home time now," Leigh muttered and tried to get Pez to move but she let go of Leigh's hand and walked towards the tent. 
"Oh no you don't!" I said, annoyed. she knew so much better than to walk off and especially in crowds like this! Not only that but it had finished and she was desperately fighting against the current. 
I grabbed Leigh's hand and pulled her behind me, pushing my way towards Perrie. She stopped outside the tent, suddenly realizing how nerve-racking it was. Me and Leigh caught upto her and I grabbed her arm, not too hard of course. "You never walk away from us, do you understand?" I said firmly, looking into her eyes. She nodded sadly. 
"I-I sorry," her eyes welled up with tears and she looked down at her feet. "Hi, can I help you with anything?" A medic asked nicely and came over to us. Again, I sighed, we shouldn't be here we should be in the car going home! Perrie looked at me and pouted. 
"Please mummy," she begged sadly. I wrapped my arm over her shoulder and pulled her closer to me. 
"She's hurt her ankle, please can we have some ice?" I asked. "Of course you can, would you like us to take a look at it?" The medic asked again. I shook my head but Perrie grunted and stamped her foot. 
"Oh yeah, your ankle is so sore," Leigh rolled her eyes slightly and rubbed Perrie's back casuing another huff and a slight growl. 
"Just some ice if that's okay, we need to get home," I said, politely. The medic nodded and walked off. I pushed perrie up and made her look at me. 
"I don't know what's wrong with you, but I don't like this behavior. We could be half way home by now. You listen to me and mama." I told her. She nodded sadly. 
"I sorry mummy," she said and tried to hug me. I let her and hugged her back. The medic came back with an icepack and a form. 
"Can you please just sign here, then you can go," she smile.d I nodded and quickly signed it. 
"Thank you," I took the ice and Perrie's hand. "Leigh, lead the way," i said, I was tired and upset at Perrie's behavior. We brought her all the way here, tried to have a fun night and all we get in return is whiny, bad behaving Pez. After we finally made it to the car, I got Perrie in and put the ice on her ankle, it wasn't swollen or bruised at all, she didn't need it. But I wasn't going to make her even grumpier. "Right miss grumpy bum, are we going to manage a peaceful ride home?" Leigh asked and turned around in the drivers seat. Perrie nodded sadly and looked out of the window. I could tell she wasn't really herself, possibly just overtired as it was past midnight but she had a later and longer nap today so we didn't have this problem, goodness me I don't know. We were about half way home when Perrie spoke up. 
"Mu-mummy my tummy hurtie and my head too," she whispered and leaned forward. 
"Sit back Pez," Leigh warned, Perrie just huffed and pushed herself back in the seat. "We'll sort you out when we get home baby," I said. It was non stop complaining all night. "Mummy and my ankle hurtie still!" She groaned and threw the icepack across the back seats. 
"Stop it Perrie, we can't do anything until we get home." She just huffed, crossed her arms and shuffled her feet on the car floor. I sighed and rubbed my temple. "ALmost home now," Leigh smiled gently at me and rubbed my leg. I smiled back at her and nodded. She can be in bed and hopefully wake up in a better mood. 
We pulled into our street and I heard yet again another whine. 
"Mummy my belly sore still!" Perrie groaned, like I should have already made her feel better. "I said, we'll sort you out when we get home Pez, please don't be rude." I sighed, I was getting fed up now. I hadn't heard one 'thank you' off her tonight. She was being an absolute drama queen about her ankle and I just had no idea why. "We're homeee!" Leigh cheered quietly when we pulled into the driveway. I smiled and climbed out of the car. Perrie was already up and running to the door. I rolled my eyes and went to walk next to Leigh. 
"Oh, her ankle is super sore," Leigh groaned and laughed. I nudged her but smiled. 
"I'll get her ready for bed bubba, you go relax a little," she kissed my cheek. "Thank you baby, its much appreciated," I smiled. "Perrie you have to be quiet okay, its sleepy time and we need to settle you down," Leigh said as she turned the key in the door. Perrie just nodded and walked into the house. "Mummyyyy, my bewwy hurtie and my head mama," she groaned and went to lie down across the sofa and put her feet up. 
"Ah, ah feet off the cushions Perrie," Leigh said, Perrie just rolled her eyes but moved them. 
"My ankle hurtie too," she said quickly, like she just remembered that it was sore. I really did not believe her about her ankle hurting, there was no sign of it hurting, no bruising or swelling. She was just making it seem worse than it was. "I'll go grab her some medicine, see if that makes her feel better," i chuckled to Leigh, she nodded and went to tend to the baby.

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