Eat it, Twilight

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songs for the chapter: here with me by susie suh, robot kuch and glory by friday pilots club

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songs for the chapter: here with me by susie suh, robot kuch and glory by friday pilots club

AFTER MAKING THE GRAVE DISCOVERY that we might be the hunted rather than the hunters, I urged the others to hurry up. "Hurry up your asses. I'd rather not stick around when they find out that he's not here anymore." I yelled.

"Be careful." Clarke added after looking at me. She nodded towards my machete with a questioning glare.

"I made it earlier." I told her.

"I didn't know you could make weapons." She said.

"There's a lot of things you don't know about me Blondie." I said as I walked over to Elliot. I bumped him hip into his side. "Hey."

"Hey yourself." My lips tugged upward at his response. I opened my mouth to reply, but someone-- rather something-- beat me to it.

"What the hell was that?" Murphy asked as I moved away from Elliot and closer to the forest.

"Grounders?" Bellamy asked causing me to shake my head.

I held my hand up in the air signalling them to quiet down. I turned back to Bellamy and whispered, "Definitely not grounders." I grabbed my machete from my belt loop and held it in front of me. At the sound of growling to my right, I whirled in that direction to see something stalking through the reeds toward Bellamy and the others.

"Bellamy, gun!" Clarke yelled, but I knew that there was no time. I gripped the machete in my hand and took off running in the reeds. I heard the others yelling behind me, but I didn't pay any attention. I knew that it was big, so I had to remain focused. I turned and saw a flicker of black to my left, then I saw it again. Instead of just stalking around me, it was soaring through the air toward me with its claws outstretched. I held the machete up, impaling it. It slid down the weapon until it stopped at the handle, dead. 

I turned around to find everyone staring at me with shocked expressions. I stumbled forward with the machete and the animal trailing behind me. I threw the animal into the clearing. I panted as I said, "I guess there are normal animals on this earth." Finn chuckled.

Bellamy shook his head with a smile tugging at his lips, "You're crazy."

I smirked, "Crazy badass."

"Damn strait." Elliot agreed.

After hauling the panther and Jasper back to camp, I found out that Bellamy was using the meat as a way to get people to take their wristbands off. I was watching from afar with Finn and Elliot by my side. I shook my head, "I'm not taking my wristband off for food that I killed. Self-righteous jackass." I muttered.

Elliot then said, "You don't have to, come on." I furrowed my eyebrows in confusion, but followed.

I grabbed two sticks of meat while Elliot did the same. "Whoa, whoa. Wait, wait, wait. What, you think you play by different rules?" Murphy asked as he saw us begin to walk away.

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