Promises are Forboding like Unicorns

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song: rue by girl in red

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song: rue by girl in red

My sword bumps against my hip as I walk back from the training cove. My mind turns over different possibilities for how the battle will turn out if it happens tomorrow.

Blood rushes through my vision, spraying onto all the able fighters that are left of the 100. They all scream in agony as the grounders slice their swords across their skin.

I open my eyes and take a deep, calming breath.

"You're okay, you just need to get back to camp," I mutter to myself before breaking into a run.

The camp walls soon come into view and at the same time, I hear shouts. Not angry ones, relieved ones.

"Hailey!" A guard shouts. "Bellamy, she's back!" They scream over their shoulder.

My eyes narrow, but I continue walking, not stopping until I'm forced to by Bellamy's arms encircling me. My eyes widen and I tense up, not used to physical affection. He doesn't let go though, so I melt into his embrace.

"I was so worried." He murmurs into my hair.

"I'm here," I say back before separating. "I have a plan, Bell." His bloodshot eyes and dark circles stand out like a sore thumb. I grimace at his appearance. He must notice because he gets defensive.

"I'm fine, Hails." He dismisses. "What's your plan?" He asks as Raven and Finn come up behind him.

"You got a plan?" Raven asks with a nod in my direction.

I nod before walking over to Bellamy's tent with them following me.

Once inside, we circle a table. They all share glances, silently asking if anyone knows what I'm about to say.

"There's no way to stop the attack tomorrow," I start and I see Finn's jaw clench. "But, we can delay it long enough for everyone to get better." I say, shooting Bellamy a look that says, 'that means you.'

He gives me the same stare back.

"How?" Raven asks, with her hands on her hips.

"We destroy the bridge they would travel on," I say, raising my chin.

"How do you know about the bridge?" Bellamy asks.

My eyebrows furrow. "What do you mean?"

"Murphy told us about it earlier when we asked him about the route he took to get here," Finn says shrugging. "He told us he crossed a bridge."

"We thought he was lying up until now," Bellamy says, sighing.

"Well," I start. "He's not." I deadpan.

"Okay," Raven smirks. "What's your plan, Rhett?" A devilish smile takes over my lips.

"We make a bomb," I say, raising a brow. "Big enough to take down a bridge that has withstood hundreds of years of weather and the elements."

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