7)Advanced Duelling Club

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-Anwen's POV-

I didn't. I didn't talk to him at all for a week. I was too scared. One time, he got too close to me and I tripped, falling on my face.

I tried to shake those embarrassing moments out of my mind. Fortunately, when I got up, I saw something on the board.

 Fortunately, when I got up, I saw something on the board

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I silently cheered and pulled out parchment. I copied down all of the information and skipped down to breakfast.

I was usually one of the first ones up. I got a waffle and sat alone at the Gryffindor table.

I ate fairly quickly and got up to leave. But I found myself face to face with Remus.

"Hi, Annie." He sat next to my former spot.

"Hi." I squeaked out. I sat back down next to him. We sat in silence for a minute or two.

"Can I ask you something?" I felt myself shaking.

"Sure." He turned to me quickly as if he was excited about what I was going to say.

I felt butterflies in my stomach. My heart was thumping against my rib cage and threatened to jump all the way to Australia. "Nevermind. Bye." I babbled quickly and ran out of the Great Hall.

For the rest of the day, I avoided Remus. I felt butterflies every time our eyes met. This feeling isn't normal. Maybe I'm just really nervous. Yes, that's it.

Then, at about 4:00, I headed down into the dungeons. The Duelling Club room was down the hall from the Slytherin common room.

When I entered, I saw a long line of students, from second years to seventh years. I sighed and stood in the back of the line.

I pulled out my wand and assessed what spells I could use in my duel. Rictusempra, Stupefy, Expelliarmus...

"Hello. Again." Remus was behind me.

"You're trying out for Advanced Duelling Club, too?" I sputtered.

"Yes. And so are you." He looked like he wanted to smack himself. He then added, "Obviously."

"Yeah." I turned to see how much longer we had left.

"So, um, earlier, you said you had something to ask me?" Remus blushed.

Should I really ask him? I promised myself I would last week. I also promised myself last year that I would find out why Remus had those scars. Now is the time.

"Yes." I finally admitted. "But we have to be alone. Like really alone."

Remus went a deep red. I thought about what I had just said and gasped. "It's not anything like that! Sorry, I didn't really clarify."

I looked ahead of me. The two in front of the girl in front of me went ahead to start their duel.

So, I was duelling the girl in front of me. Unless Flitwick didn't think it would be fair.

The girl was tall with chin-length short brown hair. From behind, it looked like the girl was maybe third or fourth year. I can handle her. I thought with confidence.

The current duel went by really quickly and Flitwick wrote something down on his parchment. "Next!" He called with his small voice.

"You'll do great." Remus whispered.

"Thanks." I replied, following my opponent onto the duelling floor. Flitwick inspected us, then nodded. So he thinks I can handle her.

We both bowed to each other. "Three, two, one..."

I shot first. "Rictusempra!" She fell into a fit of giggles. But through her laughing, she aimed her wand and called, "Expelliarmus!"

But I was too quick. "Protego!"

With the older girl completely off guard, I fired another spell. "Expelliarmus!"

Her wand flew out of her hand. Flitwick called the match over. As I was leaving the floor, Flitwick called me back.

"I knew you could do it! Oh, that was a fifth year you just duelled."


"Yes. Next!" Flitwick yelled.

"Good job! You have fast reflexes." Remus gave me a high five.

"Thanks. We'll talk after your duel." I walked to the front of the room and leaned against the wall as I watched Remus beat his opponent.

Flitwick stood in front of everyone. "The list of people who made Advanced Duelling Club will be posted on my classroom door tomorrow morning. Good day to all of you!"

Remus held the door open for me as we left the room. We wandered through the halls until we stopped at a pillar where we couldn't be overheard.

"So, you know that you go take care of your mum once every month?"

"Yeah?" Remus looked suspicious.

"Well, I don't believe you." I said outright.

Remus looked shocked. "I-I don't know what you're talking about." He stuttered.

"Remus Lupin, I know you are a werewolf."

He looked around frantically, seeing if anyone was around. Then, he looked at me with his brown eyes pleading. "Yes, I am. But please don't tell anyone, Annie."

"I wasn't planning on it. I just wanted to tell you that I knew you were a werewolf."

Then, without thinking, I gave him a hug. "I'm sorry about the things you have to go through."

Remus, surprisingly, hugged me back. "It's not your fault."

"I know, and I want to help you in any way I can."

Remus let go of me. "Why?"

"Why?" Because you are a good person and I want to help."

Remus looked down at his feet. "Thank you."

"Anytime." I smiled.

Remus frowned. "But if you go out and risk your life or get hurt by me, I'll never forgive myself."

"I won't. I promise."

"Okay. Thank you again."

"Yep. Well, goodbye." I started walking away and turned around to peek at Remus. I still felt butterflies in my stomach.

As I made it to the Common Room, I thought about what that feeling was. Do I like Remus? I thought as I sat in an armchair in the corner.

It was a possibility. And maybe he liked me back. Also a possibility.

I thought about him as I fell asleep in the armchair in the Common Room.

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