6)Welcome Back

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I circled another week on my muggle calender. Another week with another full moon.

"Huh, maybe his mum is a werewolf." I murmured. But why would he leave to be with his mum while she's transforming? He would leave right after.

Then I gasped and fell out of my chair. He's a werewolf! He made the excuse so no one would freak out! And that is why he has scars all over his face!

Poor Remus. He probably feels terrible every month during his transformations. And terrible for not being able to tell anyone. Except for Dumbledore, most likely.

I looked at the time on my riddle clock and realised that it was almost time to leave. I neatly stuffed my muggle calender and parchments into my trunk.

"Annie! Time to leave!" I heard my father call.

I grabbed my trunk and slid down the spiral staircase. I stood outside next to Bella, who was trying to carry her toad, her broom, beater's bat, and her trunk.

"Here, I'll carry your broom." I offered.

Bella shook her head. "Here, carry my trunk instead." She thrust it into my other hand and I sighed.

The muggle taxi we were waiting for finally arrived, so we climbed in. My father sat in the front while we climbed in the back.

My mother and brother would usually be here as well, but my mum is working at the ministry and my brother is trying to find a job, since last year was his last year at Hogwarts.

When we arrived, we quickly ran through the column and piled our belongings on the train. When we hopped on, I bid my goodbyes to my twin sister and went to find my best friends, Lily and Severus.

They were already talking when I got to them. "Hi Annie." Severus said as Lily gave me a hug.

"Are you guys planning on trying out for Advanced Duelling Club this year?" I asked.

"No." Lily and Sev said together.

"I am." I crossed my legs.

After a very long conversation about classes at Hogwarts, the Dingheads, as I like to call them, came poking in the compartment.

"Hey Snivellus!" James called.

"We've heard the news." Sirius snickered.

"We heard your hair got even greasier over the summer." Bella poked her head in our compartment. Unfortunately, Bella was a Dinghead member and her main goal was to have Sev die of embarrassment. "We didn't think it could get greasier."

"But we were wrong." Peter laughed. Remus stood in the back of the Dingheads and smiled at me. I waved, then scowled at the rest of the Dingheads.

"Leave Severus alone!" Lily and I yelled in unison.

They laughed and walked away. I just sighed and turned back to Lily and Sev. "Don't listen to them. They are just arrogant."

When we arrived at Hogwarts, we immediately sat as far away from the Dingheads as possible. Especially Sev because he sat at the Slytherin table, lucky him.

After the Sorting, Dumbledore walked up to the front and put his hand up to get our attention. "Welcome back to Hogwarts for those who have already attended. And a warm welcome to our first years.

"If you are a second year or above, you may try out for the Quidditch team, Frog Choir, and you may attend Duelling Club as well as trying out for Advanced Duelling Club."

I sat in my chair, resisting the urge to cheer. I looked back at Bella, who had jumped up and down in her seat. She was going to try out for the Gryffindor Quidditch team, which she had babbled all summer about.

"Now, the feast is waiting for you." Dumbledore ended his speech as the food appeared. I grabbed a couple of food items before turning to Lily.

"Do you think I could make Advanced Duelling Club?"

Lily took a bite of her chicken leg. "Of course. You're wonderful at Charms, Transfiguration, and Defense Against the Dark Arts. You'll totally make it."

I blushed. "Thanks Lily."

"I also think Bella will make it onto the Quidditch team. She's quite good."

"I think she has a chance. She's flown since she was two or three." I said boastfully for my sister. Too bad she's a toerag sometimes.

As we left for our common room, I thought about Remus. Should I tell him that I know? Or should I leave him alone?

Peter walked up next to me. "Hello." I smiled at him, trying not to scowl.

He blushed a dark red. "Hi. I um...yeah." Then he scampered off.

Lily nudged me. "Peter likes you"

I recoiled. "I hope not. I don't like him in that way."

"Poor Peter, then."

We talked about our summers for the rest of the way to the Gryffindor common room.

When we made it to the common room, the Dingheads had taken over the sofa in front of the fireplace. I accidentally made eye contact with Remus. I looked away quickly and tried to rub the red on my face.

Lily looked at me like I was mad. "What are you doing?"

I blushed even more. "Thought something was on my face." I put a fake smile on my face.

Lily didn't look like she believed me. "Okay. Well I am going to bed." She waved and walked up to the girls' dormitories.

I looked over at Remus, who was laughing at something Sirius said. I need to tell him that I know. I thought. I took a step towards the Dingheads, then changed my mind and turned in another direction. I need to do this. I headed towards them before changing my mind again.

I'll do it tomorrow. I will, I will. I walked up to the dorms, praying that Remus did not see my dilemma. I cautiously glanced at him to check and our eyes met. He saw everything!

I ran up the stairs, blushing furiously. I'll still tell him tomorrow. Even that whole thing won't stop me from talking to him tomorrow. I will, I will!

I'm excited to finish this book! I have something else planned. ;)


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