Chapter Three: Her Real Superpower

Start from the beginning

"Don't worry about it. I'm glad you're not injured or incapacitated, but somehow this seems just as bad."

"Ha! I am emotionally incapacitated. I still can't get over how nonchalant you were about my confession."

"Listen, I'm sorry she was so awful to you, but please remember she is a good person."

"I'm trying. I have tried to understand where she is coming from, but I keep coming back to the promises she made. She said she would always be there. She said she would always love me and be my friend. I keep reliving the things I did for her and how she just stood there with that blank look on her face. She said I made her feel numb. It broke me, Sam. She knows how much I love her, and she had to see how painful it would be for me. It was so cruel."

"I know. I can't believe she could be so cold and unfeeling. That doesn't sound like her at all."

Lena sobbed uncontrollably, but she forced herself to continue.

"I dedicated my life to her, my world to her, and she dropped me off the edge of a great plateau with no rescue. She might as well have let me fall from the balcony at L-Corp that night. It would have been far less vicious. Funny how it all ends with an ignored email and an unanswered text message. When she didn't text me back, my rage response set in and I just wanted to lose my mind and explode."

"National City is still here, so I will assume that you didn't."

Lena buried her face in her hands.

"No, God, I did something so much worse."

Sam's body stiffened. She grabbed Lena's hand and looked at her.

"What did you do?"

"When I was in Gotham City, I went to a support group for people who have had their hearts broken by superheroes or supervillains. Please don't laugh. I don't know if I could take the ridicule."

Sam didn't laugh. She took a moment to quietly contemplate Lena's confession.

"I think that is fantastic. I'm a little shocked, to be honest. You rarely share your feelings with strangers. Even your best friends have to drag your emotions out of you."

"I hit a breaking point, Sam. My heartbreak started turning to fury again. It wasn't her feelings that upset me. Everything she feels is justified. It was just her utter disdain. Her lack of empathy was so uncharacteristic of her. After everything we had been through, she made me feel worthless."

"Maybe she's sick. Maybe some villain has done something to her."

"No. I wish that were it, but it's not. This was all her. The woman I met and fell in love with is gone. Maybe I'm the one that destroyed her. I'm just being naïve. I never meant that much to her. She just humored me. Sad, lonely, Lena Luthor. She probably considered it charitable to be my friend. Maybe years of crap being piled on top of her made her change, but the look she gave me told me that the woman I love is dead. The woman who ghosted me is a stranger and we have no connection. She lied when she said she would always be my friend no matter what. She lied when she said she would be there if I needed her. I needed her when I sent that text message. More than she will ever know. She failed me."

"I'm so sorry. Did you tell her you're in love with her?"

"No. I intended to, but she is dating William fucking Dey."

"Not that guy. I hate that guy. Human Ken doll with less personality. What a tool."

"Right? Well, she has always had strange taste in men. It's just my great misfortune that she never saw me that way."

Too Crazy To Love ~ A Supercorp Fanfic (PART 1)Where stories live. Discover now