Chapter One: I Saw You Standing In The Rain

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A steady rain blanketed Gotham City with a punishing force. Lena pulled into the parking lot of Gotham City Church and let her car idle for a moment as sheets of water coated the windows in a surreal blur. She could just make out the figures of other lost souls running through the rain, seeking shelter from the storm and their problems.

"I saw you standing in the rain on a night like this. You were holding his hand. I was going to tell you everything, confess everything. I don't know how to smile anymore."

Lena buried her face in her hands and shook her head. Suddenly she burst out into a hysterical fit of laughter. It was an eerie cackle. Not at all like Lena's laugh. She could feel the madness taking over. She let out a guttural scream and slammed her hand against the steering wheel. The horned blared, causing the already nervous occupants of the parking lot to jump with fright.

The basement of the church was at least fifteen degrees colder than the outside. Lena could feel the cold in her bones. She wasn't eating and mostly persisted on scotch and whatever was lying around the L-Corp kitchen. Her assistant did a decent job of getting her lunch, but she never had the appetite. She was too depressed to want for anything anymore.

It had been a hard winter.

All seemed well when she and Kara stood together and agreed to team up to find Lex. Lena rejoiced. Her heart was whole again. Their conversation renewed her love in a way she never imagined. Coming so close to losing Kara made her take stock of her feelings, and she finally knew why she blew up and let her darkness take over. She was madly in love with her best friend.

She knew it would be a long road to forgiveness, but she yearned to recover the intimate connection she once had with her sweet hero. She imagined there would be a day where they only had eyes for each other again. She was wrong.

Their interactions, as of late, were strained and cold. Lena couldn't help but feel like Kara just didn't care the same way she did before. Even her body language had changed. They no longer hugged. There was no warmth between them. Lena knew she screwed up. She knew that she overreacted, and that Kara was still angry and hurt. What she never imagined was that things between them would implode so quickly.

Lena opened the basement door and walked down a long, dimly lit corridor. The click of her high heels hitting the floor was almost deafening. Lena walked by other rooms full of people, support groups muttering about their problems, and shook her head.

"What am I doing here? This isn't me," she whispered under her breath. "I will not talk to strangers about my emotions. I don't even speak to people I like about how I'm feeling. I used to talk to Kara, but that's just a distant memory now."

Lena pulled out her phone and scrolled.

"Room B128," she said aloud.

Lena groaned and adjusted the designer bag slung over her shoulder.

"What am I doing here? Is this really where it ends, Kara?"

Lena walked down the hallway to the last door on the right. She placed her hand on the doorknob and held it there for just a beat. She took a deep breath and opened the door, surveying the dingy basement room and its oddball collection of occupants. A circle of chairs sat nestled in the center of the space. A table with coffee and donuts sat in the corner.

"Nope," Lena said as she closed the door and took a step back. "What the hell was I thinking? This will make nothing better."

Suddenly the door opened, and a man in his early thirties greeted Lena with a smile. His tweed jacket, tousled brown hair, and glasses indicated to Lena that he was probably Dr. Jonathan Crane, the leader of the group.

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