JK and His Pettiness Pt. 1

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Jungkook admits that he has always frowned when other people address Jin as one of the Jeons but he has never said anything.

So why would he let Jin uses this against him?

"Don't go around throwing dirt on me Seokjin. I've never said anything because I've accepted  you as one of us. You're Jeon Seokjin since the day you walked on that isle."

'Oh enlighten me Mr. Jeon. Just waking on that isle doesn't mean I can't be Kim Seokjin. I have every right to do things my way. Again, this marriage is for the sake of business only."

Jin snapped at the brat in front of him. He loves him but that doesn't mean Jin has to bend himself to satisfy the great asshole Jeon Jungkook's wish and need.

Jin is feeling himself again after drowning in the misery of his so-called marriage life.

To the Damn Jeon Jungkook, he's Kim Seokjin after all. No one dare to cross him in the past and he'll let it stay that way.

But this is Jeon Jungkook we're taking about. He gets what he wants and right now he wants Jin to accept the reality that he's not a Kim anymore.

"Then enlighten me Mr. Jeon Seokjin, what is this?"

Jungkook grabbed Jin's left hand to show their wedding ring that Jin always wears and never takes off.

In that moment, Jin wants to slap himself for still wearing their wedding ring.

It's his truths, his reality something he can't deny that he still hasn't moved on from this toxic one sided love of his.

"See this?! This ring binds you to me, Jeon Seokjin. Do not forget that you're married."

Jungkook stated that with a new profound confident after seeing Jin still wearing their wedding ring . He wasn't supposed to feel this smug but that's what he feels.

"This ring is the evidence that you're not available, that you're taken, that you're my husband."

He has the audacity to scoff and smirk at Jin after saying his statement.

The vulnerable and soft side he showned when back hugging Jin just now is nowhere to be found.

And the spoiled brat is back on the floor.

But Jin's next sentence dethroned him of his arrogant ass, wipe his smirk completely off his face.

"Is that so? Because not many people know I'm married. Wearing ring or not, it doesn't have any effect on my daily life. I can just say I'm on the mood to wear some jewelry. Just Because!"

With every sentences said, Jin pushed Jungkook a bit at the time toward his door.

"It's the same as whether I'm married or not, I'm still me myself, I'm still a Kim in outsider's eyes. I am Kim Seokjin, the son of Kim Jiho."

With that said, he completely pushed Jungkook out before he could fire another nonsense comeback.

Jungkook is bewildered again with the knowledge that he dug his own grave.

He has never regret anything but right now he regrets not having their wedding the biggest reception of the year.

He regret not announcing it to the world that they're married. If he has done so, that bastard Hyungsik wouldn't dare to make a move on Jin in the first place.

Still standing outside of Jin's bedroom, Jungkook decided to declare the war.

"Just you wait, I'll find out whatever you're up to Seokjin and watch me fold it out in front of your salad."

Jungkook stumped his feet hard and strike back to his bedroom. (A/N: please refer to the video above. I found it on IG and damn it says 'Jungkook' in this part xD)

Jin is so done with Jungkook, fed up is the better word for his situation right now.

He wonders when will all of this end and getting rid of his feeling toward that annoying brat.

That's it for now folks. I'll arrange my draft again and will present you a better plot.

Thanks you for your patience and wait for this soul to pick up on what I've left out.

Enjoy folks💜

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