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Jungkook just wants to sleep off the whole day. It's their 4th anniversary with Iseul. He was supposed to propose her and finally settle down. But everything was ruined because of Jin, that's what he believes.

He still dragged himself to the bathroom and prepared himself to work his ass off before drowning himself with alcohol tonight, his sorrowful Friday's night.

He was getting ready to face Jin at the dinning table after their interactions yesterday like he's going to war but was greeted with emptiness, no sign of Jin and his sweet 'good morning'. Only maids and Aunt Jina were there with familiar aromatic foods.

"Good morning, master."

Aunt Jina said in monotone, gestured maids to arrange breakfast for Jungkook.

He noticed how they arrange only one set of breakfast instead of two.

"He got up just to prepare the foods and went back to sleep?"

Jungkook scoffed at his own statement. It's good then; he doesn't have to see him in this already awful day.

"No master, little master has already gone out since early morning. He said he has some errand to do."

That feeling again, he'll never used to being neglected by Jin. The heaviness inside his chest is getting suffocated.

"Have you asked what errand is that?"

"I didn't. It's not my job to question him."

Aunt Jina can't help but to reply sarcastically at her master. Because if this keeps going, it's Jungkook who's gonna suffer the most.

And that makes Jungkook's day worse. He can't help but blames it on Jin because he's never failed to ruin his mood.

After meeting up with consultants regarding his clothing store plan, Jin is exciting. It's been too long since he feels like this.

He finally chases his dream and put this design talent into good use than living like a dead person at that mansion, waiting for Jungkook.

His life shouldn't revolve around Jungkook. He'll have to train his heart and soon, Jin hopes he could get rid of this feeling for the male. He doesn't want to be pathetic anymore.

Jin is meeting up with his old friend, Park Hyungsik. It's been years since they last met because Jin and Jungkook went to London for their educations and Hyungsik went to US when the Park Group set foot there.

They keeps in touch but has never met since both are busy or that's what Jin thought.

Jin got a call from him yesterday night right before he went to bed, his hyung wants to catch up with him.

As soon as he arrives the cafe, he spots a tall figure right away at the counter. His hyung always stand out among the crowd.


Jin smiles at Hyungsik and the male feels like his heart is going to explode soon. Jin still has this effect on him and Hyungsik has already accepted his defeat.

Because there's nothing he could do, he loves this human too much that it's unhealthy for his fragile heart.

"How has you been, silly?"

Hyungsik hugs the tiny human tightly; he won't step back anymore.

"That bastard doesn't deserve you, lil' Jinnie."

As soon as Taehyung called him yesterday, he decided to conquer Jin's heart once again after stepped back because he knew Jin's heart is with Jungkook.

But now, noting will stop him, not when Jin loses his shine after getting married.

"Hyung, stop calling me that. I'm the prodigy of my faculty if you're not aware yet."

Jin playfully said and both bursts out laughing because sassy Jinnie is on the floor.

They were having a good time that 2 pairs of eyes observing them across the street didn't bother them at all

Jungkook and Yoongi left the restaurant after having lunch there with the clients. There, he saw Jin walked into a cafe.

He followed Jin right away, ignoring Yoongi asking him where he's going. He wants to know what errand Jin has to do that he didn't wait to have breakfast together.

But he feels a pang in his heart when he saw Jin hugged someone familiar.

He cursed hard when that male turn his body side way that Jungkook gets to see his face.

"That bastard, what's he doing in Seoul?"
Emm, what do you think? Taehyung, the mischief maker, has finally laid out his master plan.

Enjoys folks💜
Till the next update.

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