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[So, the male and the female lead are the same as the previous story. I really loved both of them so, if you guys don't like it, you can imagine your own characters.]

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                    LIAM PARKER

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                    LIAM PARKER

25 year old billionaire, CEO of Parker Enterprises, one of the most successful company in New York.  He is heartless, ruthless when it comes to his work. But there is a caring side of him that he shows only towards his son.

 But there is a caring side of him that he shows only towards his son

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                     BELLA ADAMS

24 year old simple, bubbly girl who lives alone in an orphanage with her Nanny. Her Nanny is everything to her. She is currently working in a cafe. 

                     RYAN PARKER

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                     RYAN PARKER

5 year old kid, he is very smart more than what a five year old kid should be. He does not have any friend, and has a tutor who comes to teach him at home.

 He does not have any friend, and has a tutor who comes to teach him at home

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                    LUCAS AUSTIN

26 year old, Liam's friend and his Personal Investigator.

26 year old, Liam's friend and his Personal Investigator

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                        MIA WHITE

Liam's girlfriend, who is cheating on him.

Liam's girlfriend, who is cheating on him

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                   BRITTANY QUINN

A modeller.

                STEVE WILLIAMS

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                STEVE WILLIAMS

Bella's only friend, who was with her since college.

Bella's only friend, who was with her since college

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Love you all!❤️

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