9. A Thunder Battle and Goblins

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"Look out!" Shouted Dwalin. We all looked up and saw large rock flying towards us. The rock crashed into the mountain above our heads as large pieces came came crashing down, barely missing us.

"This is no thunder storm! It's a thunder battle! Look!" Shouted Balin as he pointed to one of the mountains as it stood up. It was a storm giant!

"Bless me! The legend are true! Giants! Storm Giants!" Yelled Bofur. Suddenly, the stone giant broke a piece off a large boulder and threw it at another giant that was behind us.

"Look out!" Dwalin shouted. Part of the path began to break away. We all backed away as much as we could. The mountain that we were all on moved. It began to separate causing the other half of the company to be on the other side. Kili and Fili were yelling out to each other from their separate sides. We realized we were on the knees of the stone giant.
The giant we were stood on was knocked into another mountain by the other giant. The knee of the giant was leaning against another mountain. We took the chance and jump off. We watched as the giant we were originally stood on with the other half of our company were still standing on the other knee. My began to beat rapidly as I watched horrified as the knee was smashed against the side of the mountain as the giant was knocked to the floor. When the giant pulled his leg away, we saw the other no longer there. Fili was among the others. I began to shake with fear and worry.

We all ran, following Thorin as he went towards the ledge where the giant smashed against the mountain.

"Fili!" Shouted Thorin, filled with worry for his nephew.

We all cried out in relief when we saw they were okay. I let out a sigh, knowing that Fili was not hurt.

"Where's Bilbo? Where's the hobbit!?" Bofur called out worriedly.

Bilbo. I felt a pang of worry and guilt as I failed to keep an eye on him.

I scanned the surroundings with my Elven vision as I saw something hanging off the side of the mountain.

"Bilbo!" I screamed, catching everyone's attention, Bofur and I rushing over to pick the hobbit back up. A piece of rock broke off as Bilbo fell, but still hanging as he got the hold of another rock. Thorin took matter into his own hands and hung down, picked up Bilbo and lifted him up to the both of us. Relief washed over me as I caught him into my arms.

Thorin tried getting back up as his hand slipped, Dwalin quickly picking him up.

"I thought we lost out burglar!" Dwalin said.

"He's been lost ever since he left home. He should have never come. He has no place amongst us." Thorin scowled. I glared at him before he called Dwalin to follow him and the rest of us into a cave. I sighed at Thorin's negativity towards Bilbo, I didn't have the energy to argue with him at the moment. I stood up as I offered my hand to Bilbo to which he took gratefully. I felt someone's arm encircle my waist. I look up and see that I'm faced to face with Fili. He smiled as he pulled me inside, along with the others.

"Let's get a fire going." Gloin said as be was about to bend down but Thorin stopped him.
"No, no fires. Not in this place." He told him.
"All of you, get some sleep. Bofur, take first watch."

I walked over to the cave wall, taking off my soaked cloak and my bag. I rummaged through my bag and pulled out a spare cloak that I laid down on the floor. I took off my quiver of arrows and laid them to the side. I lied down on the cloak, using my bag as a pillow. I realized after the first thirty minutes of closing my eyes that I wouldn't be able to sleep. Especially not in this place. I had a dagger by my side, just in case we run into any goblins.

I heard a faint rustling noise to my left. I turned over, now laying on my side as I saw it was only Bilbo, packing his things. Wait. Why would he be packing his things?

Bofur noticed what he was doing and stopped him from walking any further.

"What do you think you're doing?" Bofur asked him.
"Back to Rivendell." He answered with a determined look on his face. Bilbo wants to go back. It was probably because of what Thorin said to him earlier.

"Why? You're one of us! You're apart of the company!" Bofur exclaimed but kept his voice a whisper, not wanting to wake up the rest of the dwarves.

"No, I'm not. Thorin said I should've never come, he was right."

"You're homesick. I understand." Bofur replied.

"No, you don't! None of you do,
you're dwarves! You're used to this life, never settling in one place, not belonging anywhere!" Bilbo fired back but then quickly regretting his words as he looked at Bofur.
"I'm sorry, I didn't mean-"

"No you are right. We don't belong anywhere. I wish you all the luck in the world. I really do." Bofur said as he placed his hand on Bilbo's shoulder.

"What's that?" Bofur asked. I looked at where he was pointing. Bilbo's sword was glowing blue. That means goblins were around. I sat up straight and to my horror, the cave floor began to open.

"Wake up. Wake up!" Thorin shouted at all of us. Everyone was barely awake when the cave floor opened up like trap doors causing us all to fall through. Grabbing my weapons and belongings as quickly as I could before we plunged down the mountain.
When we finally hit the ground, we landed in some kind of trap.

Goblin Town. I recognized this place. Torches illuminating the place, bridges and ladders everywhere. It looked exactly like how I remembered it the first time I was here.

"Look out!" Thorin yelled as a large group, no, a horde of goblins came running towards us. I have a feeling this will not end well.

Thank you for reading!(: I hope you are all enjoying my story so far. Don't forget to vote if you'd like! ^.^

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