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arvin decided to take lenora back to emma's house first. the small girl shuffled into the passenger seat after saying goodbye to her friend, unknowingly giving arvin the perfect view up her dress. the russel boy chocked slightly, playing it off as a cough. pretty pink lace covered her most intimate areas. oblivious as always, the tiny girl plopped down into the seat with a smile. he reciprocated the action, his warm hand coming to land against her cool thigh.

the drive seemed to take seconds, despite truly being nearly half an hour. time flew by as the boy watched the golden girl talk so passionately about the things she loved; art, fashion and even love itself. it took only less than half an hour for the boy to notice almost everything about aurora smith, the way she twiddled with the ends of her hair or skirt when she was nervous, the way her cheeks would blush up to the colour of roses whenever he complimented her, how she fidgeted quietly when he spoke to her in his low voice.

and there they sat, in her private driveway, accompanied by only one another and the trees around them. in their minds the two begged the other to say something, anything. infuriating silence fell between them. arvin didn't want aurora to leave his car. aurora didn't want to go back home. finally, to both of their surprise, the little girl spoke first. "do you wanna come in? n-no one's home." except for the dog, of course.

arvin nodded, and they wordlessly stepped out of the car. despite the difference in their legs they fell to the same pace as they approached the grand building. it was gorgeous, much better than emma's little cabin in the woods. made entirely of stone and vines it looked like something from one of those movies he'd occasionally accompany lenora to watch. he watched as she gingerly pushed her key into the lock, twisting it slowly.

it became hard to remember how on earth the deafening silence became the sound of infectious giggles as the russel boy chased aurora up the stairs. again, he was met with the view of underneath her skirt, but forced his eyes to stare at the flowing locks that fell down her back. he followed every twist and turn of the tiny girl's house in her chase. she giggled and squealed adorably as she finally entered a pristine, pink painted room. the occasional frilly sock was left on the floor, her bed messily made, the warm wind from the summer air pushed her sheer curtains around. he didn't take much notice, though. for the little girl fell backwards onto her bed, facing upwards. he took the opportunity to slow down, falling to a stop in front of her laying form. her chest rose and fell unevenly, the cross necklace that adorned her chest falling left and right with every breath. she looked truly in her element, truly beautiful.

slowly and cautiously, arvin moved so that he too was resting on the bed, his legs rising to meet either side of her trembling legs. she looked up as he leaned over her, his cigarette breath coming to fan over her face. for a simple moment she took him in, curtains askew, coffee eyes taking in her every flaw and insecurity yet everything that made her so perfect. she reached up slowly, her bottom lip catching between her straight pearls as she caressed his hair, moving the silklike texture away from his forehead. everything that was arvin russel was simply gorgeous.

his own warm hand slithered up between them, coming to slowly caress her jaw. his warm hand rested just underneath her ear, her blonde halo tickling the tips of his fingers. ever so slowly, he ran his thumb across her smooth chin.the bruise was abnormally hot beneath his skin. he dragged it down to where she oh so teasingly had her lip between her teeth. as gently as he could, in hopes to not hurt the fragile girl, he pulled it away. "don't do that," she shuddered at his dominant voice, "you'll hurt yourself."

she nodded slowly, holding back the wince from the bruise against her skin.

"you're so beautiful, you know?" he mumbled again, eyes trailing over every kissable inch of her face. he was finally going to do it. they were finally going to get their moment. "a perfect little angel. my angel." she nodded quickly, ignoring the pain completely. she wanted to please arvin, she needed to give her all to him. aurora couldn't deny her burning need for him to control her, have a say in every single action she made. there wasn't anything that she wouldn't do for him in that moment. a sudden shudder came at his next few words. "daddy's good little girl."

in less than a second his hand was at her throat. he didn't dare squeeze yet, for he didn't want to scare the innocent girl below him. he could hold himself back that way, but god knew he couldn't wait a moment longer to kiss those pretty little lips.

she whimpered as his warm lips finally met her own. after the weeks worth of trying and failing, he finally had her below him, doing exactly as he pleased. she was surprised at the foreign feeling that made her stomach giddy. the tips of her fingers in his hair became numb as they connected, as though that was the only part of her body that pattered anymore.

arvin's lips were chapped slightly and felt rough as he moved them against her. she liked it. arvin took control, for he knew that this would be aurora's first kiss. she made pretty whines as he moved against her, hips subconsciously grinding into her own. he groaned at her sounds, slowly adding pressure to her neck as he kissed her harder. arvin could taste the remnants of her strawberry lipgloss and he savoured the flavour. anther squeeze, another moan. she gripped onto his wrist tightly, using him as leverage within their kiss. she was inexperienced, yet the best kiss he had ever had.

everything with aurora smith felt right. there was no doubt in his mind that the small girl below him was the girl that he loved. as the two came up for air, foreheads pressed together, arvin wondered what their future together would hold. perhaps she would be a pretty housewife like his mother, making him cookies to greet him at the door every night after work. maybe she would ask him to move back to england with him and they would start a new life in the middle of the countryside. maybe she would bear his children, and he would sit with herself and their child between his legs as she sung their little girl or boy to sleep. no matter what it held, he knew that aurora smith would be right by his side.



I WANNA BE YOURS ♡ arvin russell (d. kink) Where stories live. Discover now