23. REST

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aurora's breathing spiked. the brother of the woman they had just killed was out to get them. how he had ever found them the tiny girl would never know. but here they were, the two lovers trembling, fearing for their very lives as the sheriff worked his way down the hill.

"got some questions to ask y'all!" arvin moved slowly, trying to catch a glimpse of where the voice was coming from. aurora held her breath as he peeked his head over the trunk. a sudden gunshot had the two jumping out of their skins. arvin fell back against the floor and aurora had to hold everything back not to run towards him and check that he was okay. "sorry about that! goddamn bird scared me!"

the man laughed as he walked further down the hill, his lifeless eyes scouring over every inch in hopes to find the couple. from his place on the floor, arvin shuffled and reached into his pockets. panic and dread filled his face when he couldn't find his gun. aurora's eyes widened at the sight, and her face died of its colour when she realised that she was the one with the gun. her shaking hand reached into the pocket of his jacket, fingers grasping onto the cold metal. she couldn't pass it to arvin, that would be too obvious. the sheriff would see them.

she was going to have to be the one to do it.

the boy with the chestnut locks didn't even know that aurora had the gun, his panicked mind already coming to the conclusion that it was left in their bags. arvin's chest moved rapidly up and down. aurora's was too, though more staggered and lagging.

"i ain't here to hurt you!" she knew a lie when she heard one. "and i know that you don't wanna hurt me! come on out so we can have us a talk!" aurora shook more violently, trying to hold her breath as tears started to form under her eyes. she didn't want to kill anyone, but she knew that it was her time to protect the boy she loved.

he'd already done such a good job at keeping her safe. it was her time. he needed to rest.

the middle aged man's eyes scoured across the woodlands, searching for any sign of the lovers. aurora was thankful for the thick tree engulfing her little form. with a shudder and an exhale she pulled the weapon out, holding it to her side. the little girl cocked it, just as she saw arvin do three times before, and her lover's head snapped towards her at the noise.

as the footsteps descended down the leaf covered slope, arvin's eyes caught onto the glimmering metal in aurora's hands. tears were rapidly falling from her chocolate eyes, the ones that only days ago were so innocent, and her bottom lip was caught between her teeth. she was trying not to whimper. the boy with the chestnut hair shook his head, curtains falling across his forehead. he needed to act quickly, and to distract the law man.

"i figured this might be where you'd come!" shouted the sheriff as his eyes fell on their bags. "remember that night you brought me up here, arvin?" said boy was pulling a thick stick from the ground. aurora was still mentally preparing herself for what she was going to have to do. "that was an awful thing your daddy did." arvin thew the stick quickly. as soon as the sound of it landing was heard the sheriff shot towards it; aurora couldn't help the whimper that left her mouth.

"god dammit, boy, don't- don't fuck with me!" the sheriff ran behind a tree, trying his best to spot the two. aurora was fumbling with the metal instrument in her hands, trying to ready herself. arvin watched with despair, his own eyes tearing up at the sight of her own.

"put the gun down, sheriff! i got one pointed right at you!" aurora's eyes widened as her boyfriend focused the sheriff's attention on his voice.

"can't do that son!"

"just set it down in the ground and step away!" arvin called, and aurora slowly caught sight of the man. his white skin was a pale contrast to the wood he stood behind and she gulped, moving her head back so she was hidden.

I WANNA BE YOURS ♡ arvin russell (d. kink) Where stories live. Discover now