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being the centre of attention was never something that aurora smith enjoyed. to her dismay, being the only british person in an all american high school seemed to be very deeming of attention. the sixteen year old's very first day was filled with requests for her to show them how she pronounced words, people asking if all British girls were that pretty and how queen liz was. attention didn't quite suit the small girl of 4'11"; her cheeks would blush profusely and her little hands couldn't help but fidget with the hem of her white dress.

by the time lunch rolled around aurora was spoilt for choice. over half of the tables in the cafeteria beckoned her to sit down with them calling her name with fits of giggles and waving hands. the blonde girl's chocolate eyes searched around the room, trying to scour out a quiet area. rory spotted a pretty auburn haired girl sat alone, her face buried deep in a thick book.

"mind if I sit here?"

the seemingly lonely girl looked up in surprise, eyes widening at the angelic girl that stood before her. she asked the lord why on earth he would bless her with a new friend today, but smiled with a shy nod at the new girl.

"I'm lenora," she smiled, placing her crucifix bookmark in her page of the book. when she shut the cover aurora stared quietly at the black binding of the bible, written large and centrally.

"'m aurora." she smiled as she opened up her lunch bag. lenora smiled merely seconds after, the british girl's pearly smile was contagious. "what church do you go to?"

within the short amount of time they had left during lunch rory managed to find out a lot about lenora. she was surprisingly extroverted once you got her talking; she attended the same church that aurora was due to attend this sunday with her parents. lenora's mother had been found dead some years ago, her father missing since before her mother's finding. aurora had apologised upon the hearing. lenora said she was ready to forgive her father for what he had blatantly done. upon further talking lenora revealed that she had been brought up by her mother's family friend, emma. an elderly woman who lived with her brother. emma was the grandmother to arvin russell, who soon joined lenora in her home. lenora's favourite colour was blue, for it reminded her of all those times she would sit down by her mother's grave and stare up at the sky.

the two surprisingly actually seemed to have a lot in common. they spent their last lessons of the day sat next to one another, smiling and giggling at their new found friendship. it was nice; lenora judged aurora on who she really was, not where she came from.

when the end of the day rolled around aurora was surprised by how rushed and seemingly panicked lenora became. their walk through the corridor was fast, one that rory's little legs had trouble keeping up with. as soon as they were out of the double doors lenora was waving her new friend goodbye and running towards a parked car. it's tires squealed as they pulled away. aurora frowned. was lenora truly that desperate to get away from her?

in the following days to come lenora finally answered aurora's burning questions as to why she would leave so quickly after school. it was practically unbearable to find out that lenora was bullied. the culprits of lenora's mystery went by three names; gene dinwoodie, tommy matron and orville buckman. sure, it was sweet that arvin looked out for his adoptive sister, and aurora thanked the lord that he did, but the thought that it had to happen was heartbreaking. again, aurora apologised.

sunday morning rolled around quicker than aurora willed it to. herself, her mother and father were all dressed in their best formal attire for the weather. ohio was undoubtedly warmer than the south of england. aurora had decided to wear her hair in it's natural glory; wavy platinum locks that tumbled down to her waist. her tiny body was clad in her pink gingham dress that reached just above her knees. dainty arms showed through the short sleeves of the dress, her new tan from the warm sun.

formalities weren't aurora's forte. being introduced to the reverend and his family was entirely uncomfortable for the small girl. as her parents spoke to the old man her eyes scoured the room for lenora. she sat in the pews towards the front. lenora  had turned around in her seat to wave and smile at her friend. rory waved happily back before her attention was diverted back to the reverend. the lady next to lenora insisted she face the front. from what aurora could tell, her friend was sat with the infamous emma and arvin.

the sermon seemed to last much less time than it did back in england. although, there was a lot more lecturing than back home. with her parents being introduced to other families within the church the little girl was left to wonder with her honey eyes once more. instantly she picked up on the auburn haired girl beckoning her over. rory smiled giddily as she walked over to lenora and her family. the tiny girl could only see the two women of the family, for arvin had his back turned to the little girl. he was tall, she could tell that much. from the way that lenora had depicted him he was a fine looking young man.

"emma, arvin, this is aurora. the pretty girl I was telling you about." lenora grinned at her friend as she came to stop in front of her. as if the tiny girl's cheeks weren't already burning from lenora's compliment, they were on fire as soon as lenora's adoptive brother finally turned around. he towered over the tiny girl, for he was at least a foot taller than her. she gulped at his dominant presence. his oak eyes finally looked down towards her.

never in her sixteen years of living had aurora seen someone so attractive. her lips parted silently as she drew in a quick breath. arvin smirked down at her, as though he knew exactly the effect he had on the innocent girl.

never in his eighteen years of living had arvin seen such a pretty little angel. he was initially taken aback by her beauty and innocence. her big doe eyes looked up into his very own irises from her tint height. the tall boy watched in awe as her pouty lips parted slightly, her chest rising as the breaths leaving her lungs became quicker.

it didn't take long before the tall boy was picturing the pretty girl beneath him. he could just see those blushed cheeks becoming the colour of roses as he slid his hands across her dainty body. she would shiver and tremble at his touch, whimper as he got closer to those oh so sensitive areas but never giving her the satisfaction of quite touching in the place she needed. her moans and whimpers would be a gospel in his ears. her dainty throat would feel so sinful between his fingers. the irregular rise and fall of her chest would have him littering kisses and purple marks all over it. the sparkling cross pendant that sat on her collarbones would be ripped off as soon as they sinned together. those little hips would buck and rise, just so desperate to have any form of friction from him. arvin almost groaned at the thought of just having her below him, between his legs.

as he stood there, entranced by her beauty in the house of the lord, the sinner swore that he would have her. one way or another.

and just like his daddy did years before him, arvin russell fell in love.



I WANNA BE YOURS ♡ arvin russell (d. kink) Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt