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aurora giggled at lenora as she failed to tie her shoelaces. the auburn haired girl sighed in desperation. with a sympathetic smile the smith girl bent down to the floor, grasping lenora's laces between her tiny fingers.

"lookin' good, queen vic."

aurora frowned as gene and his goons walked past the two girls. it was blatant that they eyes were following the small girls behind, causing her to turn away and sit down quickly.

"don't you listen to 'em, rory." lenora comforted her friend. the blonde girl nodded reluctantly. "the lord will show 'em what's coming their way."

aurora wanted to trust lenora, she really did. but the lord hadn't stopped the weeks of torment the british girl had endured, let alone the years lenora herself had. she felt hopeless that life was tormentless for anyone; no matter who they were.

when lenora spoke of a better life aurora couldn't help the nagging feeling I her throat that begged to come out and tell lenora that her ideas were delusional. but she couldn't, and she wouldn't. the lord meant too much to lenora and if that meant that the little girl had to endure hours of his teachings then she would. she would do anything for the girl who had treated her so kindly and welcomed her into her home with a warm heart.

"wanna come with me to pray tonight, rory? you can finally meet my momma."

rory's eyes softened as her best friend looked down at her hopefully. with a small voice the tiny girl replied; "I would love to meet your momma, lorie."

watching arvin drive was almost hypnotic. it was hard to multitask between halfheartedly replying to lenora while staring at his veiny hands grip the wheel. arvin couldn't help the smirk that grew on his lips as he looked into the rearview mirror; aurora's pretty face entranced by his hands. he could have her under his spell ever so easily; all he would have to do was command it and she would obey like the good little girl she was.

"momma, I brought my friend today. the one I've been tellin' you about." the two girls sat on their knees in front of the pristinely kept headstone. aurora didn't care that her bare knees were dirtying from the mud beneath her, or the white socks that stopped just below them. lenora looked over at her friend, nodding as an indication to speak.

"hi, mrs laferty." aurora couldn't deny the oddity of the situation, but the smile on lenora's face as she spoke to the air gave her the encouragement to continue. "it's lovely to meet you. lenora's told me a whole lot about you. I'm sorry for what happened."

from behind the two kneeling girls arvin watched with twinkling eyes. it was entirely the sweetest gesture he had ever seen someone do for lenora. a pretty little thing like aurora smith could have fallen into any old friendship group, yet she chose to stay with lenora. a girl with no real knowledge of the outside world and a bible and a brother as her only form of friendship. his ears rang with the angelic giggle that left her mouth as lenora said "ain't she sweet mama? a real keeper, huh?".

their interaction went on for some minutes before lenora insisted on reading the bible aloud to her mother. "it's best you and i leave her alone for this part," arvin whispered into the small girl's ear. she shivered at his voice, wishing to get a better inhale of his unique cigarette smell. "she prefers to do it alone."

I WANNA BE YOURS ♡ arvin russell (d. kink) Where stories live. Discover now