09 ~ Class bunker?🤓

Start from the beginning

"We need to find us a name...any suggestions from my bandmates" I asked and they both shook their heads. Idiots!

"Why don't we discuss about this while havibg a good meal at mcdonalds" Erick  suggested and we all nodded in agreement.

"Sharp seven"

"Okay queen shall we get going now..we have school" Erick  extended a hand in a gentlemen way. More in a mocking way.

"We're alreday two hours late" Melissa came up with an exact point. Yes we're doomed.

~at school~

We sneaked in and seperated for our classes and gladly no one caught us. Later I sighed after realising that I unfortubmnately have a class with joel.

I ambled along the halls to my class and found Joel placing his head on the table with closed eyes, probably sleeping .I walked past him and took the seat behind him slowly not waking him up and he suddenly uplifted his head and turned around.

"Had fun?" He asked sarcastically while anger was burning up inside him. His beautiful eyes was full of rage as he kept glaring at me and I was shook. Literally out if words.

"Hmm" I tried to escape from the moment. Is he mad at me?

"I asked you a fucking question , answer it" he said clenching his jawline.

"I already answered" I shot back with the same attitude.

"So you had fun huh!?" He laughed with no humour. Thi shit is scary!

"I guess you heard me" I said back making him more angry. I ain't gonna back off.

"Okay children sorry for being late I had some important stuff to deal with and Natalia" my eyes widened as I heard my name was called out by my teacher. I got up from my seat and stood their dumbdoumded as ever cause too many eyes were on me at the moment.

"I got a complain that you bunked your first two claasses in the morning"

"Well Mrs.Cabello I can explain I.." I was cut off by her cruel words.

"I don't need your explanations and you are summoned to principal's office with your buncking partner..Go" As she finished I shot a glare at joel who was already placing an evil smirk on his face.

"I'll take care if this later" i mouthed him and went out. I found Erick and Melissa standing near principals office and i joined them.

"Come in" our principal called out and we all went in and listened to his annoying speech which took almost an hour long. And yeah we got detention plus bathroom cleaning thanks to Joel.

It was our interval and we all walked to the cafeteria and took seats beside Israel.

"What happend?" Israel asked worriedly and Erick explained him about the bucking thing and Joel complainig about us.

"Where were you this morning?" I aksed Israel as he wasnt there with Joel this morning when we had that steamy converation going on.

"Well I went to Emanuel's place yesterday night and I came straight here from there" he explained and I saw joel coming inside the cafetria while havibg a huge laugh with Chris.

"The devil comes" Erick said making a disgusting face and later he apologized to Israel for calling his brother an evil one.

"He's gonna pay for this" I took a huge breath and stood up like an angry cat who was about to scratch Joel's face out.

I walked to where him and his gang was and stood there with my hands on waist like a super woman.

"What do you want kitten?" Chris asked me as he was the only one who saw me standing there looking all dumb and they all turned around to face me except Joel.

"Watch your mouth" Zabdiel warned him and Chris chuckled looking into his plate.

"Why you here?" Zabdiel asked me and I smirked ignoring his question only looking at the gorgeous dickhead who was facing his back to me. Joel Pimentel de Leon!

"Let's talk" I said to joel and he kept mindig his own business not giving a damn about mine.

"Im talking to you joel" As the words slipped my mouth he turnd around looking like lucifier itself has possesed him.

"I've got nothing to talk with class bunkers" he smirked and turned around again facing his back on me. I wanna pull out that evil smirk of his!

~Class bunker?~

Sorry for the late update
I feel like my writing skills are gone.
Is this chapter boring?😥
What's gonna happen next? Any predictions?
Hope y'all enjoy!

Is this chapter boring?😥What's gonna happen next? Any predictions?Hope y'all enjoy!

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Te quiero!

Gracias por leer!💕

Stream tan enamorados!!!

Kayleigh_Imagines Thank you for the motivation! Ly💕

Starlight Lovers : A Dark Soul [ Joel Pimentel ]Where stories live. Discover now