Chapter 47

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Lady Yang is beyond displeased.

News about Sei's death gets to her quickly and now she's left with a lot of problems on her hands. One being her puppet is dead. She had been using Sei to create this street drug and compensating him for doing other deeds, like sending his men to attack her brother's defenses in the cities that were under his control.

The plan was that she work from the inside, getting her brother's trust and convincing him that she was capable of handling her brother's large empire. Then, Yang Minsu would tragically and mysteriously die of complications and she would be in control. Having Jungkook as heir was a problem, Sei was supposed to take care of that. That was the reason for capturing the boy's fiancé, Park Jimin. But he failed his mission and died in the process.

Right now, Lady Yang sits at her brother's desk, head in her hands. This wasn't supposed to happen. What could have gone wrong? What was she to do now? If her brother ever figured out what her true intentions were, she would have a death sentence on her head. Lady Yang knew just how terrifying Minsu was. He was just like their father in regards to punishing. And knowing this was bringing her considerable amounts of panic. He was going to be home in a couple more days. Maybe she could frame one of the lords. Yeah. She could claim they threatened her if she didn't go through with the plan. She just had to plan it out and-

Her thoughts are interrupted when someone knocks on the door. "What?! What is it?!" She shouts with frustration.

The door slightly opens but doesn't proceed beyond that. "Oh dear sister," at hearing the disappointed and deep voice of Minsu, Lady Yang's eyes widen. "Is that anyway to treat your brother?" After that, the door is pushed open all the way, revealing the stern and authoritative demeanor of Mr. Yang.

Lady Yang quickly stands, removing herself from the younger's chair and bowing formally. "I-I'm sorry Master Yang... I just didn't expect you back for several more days." She looks up at him nervously. "Is everything alright?"

Mr. Yang doesn't look her in the eyes as he walks across the room. Namjoon enters as well, shutting the door and going to stand at his spot behind his master's desk. The old man pauses, staring at the mahogany desk and the newspaper on it. "I see you've heard the news." He picks up the paper and reads aloud. "'Japanese crime lord found dead in Junggu, Busan.' Tell me sister, you never been one for reading newspapers, why the sudden change of heart?" He asks, waiting for Namjoon to pull his chair open before taking a seat.

   The older woman makes her way in front of the desk, keeping her distance. "O-One of the maids brought it up to me." She clears her throat. "They were concerned about their master's well-being, since that is where he and his servants were vacationing."

   The man still doesn't spare her a glance, sighing at hearing the pathetic excuse. When he does look at her, she feels her blood run cold. His gaze is merciless and was filled with both rage and betrayal. "What was your goal?"

   "P-Pardon me master?"

   "What was your goal in having this man capture my son's loved one?" Mr. Yang asks directly. When Lady Yang doesn't say anything, he continues. "If you speak now, I will reconsider how I should handle the situation."

   With that warning, Lady Yang bursts into tears, hoping it would bring some sort of sympathy from her brother. "I-I..." she cries out. "I'm sorry Minsu-ah!! I'm sorry!! I-I was threatened by one of the lords!! He told me if I didn't comply with him, he'd kill me!" She lies.

   Signaling Namjoon to sit her down, Mr. Yang watches the sobbing mess of his sister as she wipes at her tears. "Explain to me what happened." He plays along.

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