Chapter Seven

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The next morning, Yoongi and Hoseok arrived at Jimin and Tae' s dorm and spent a few hours folding and putting away clothes or other belongings such as books on shelves. Since they lived in such a small apartment, they didn't really have much other than clothes and photos. They finished just in time for the staff to meet for lunch at the dorm's 'cafeteria' (which really was a mini cafe).

"Thank you hyungs for helping us out today." Jimin says. "We could've done it ourselves, but then we would've probably needed to skip lunch."

Yoongi shrugs and keeps walking towards the lounging area. "I've put it in my work hours for the day so that means I'll be off to sleep after this."

Hoseok wraps an arm around the smaller. "Hyung, why don't we do something today? Just you and me!" Before the elder could viciously decline, Hoseok carries on. "We could go out on a picnic or to the market or even just watch a movie in my dorm."

"No thanks." Yoongi shoves his arm off. "I've had enough annoying dongsaengs for one morning."

Once they're at the cafeteria, they gather their food and sit with each other at a table. Namjoon and Jin join later, the eldest not saying a word and bothered whenever they tried to bring him into the conversation.

   "Is something wrong Jin-hyung?" Asks Hoseok.

   Jin doesn't look up, he just raises his eyebrows, sighing through his nose as he viciously stabs some lettuce and tomato with his fork. "No, everything's fine." He says rather passive aggressively.

   "He's mad cause of last night." Yoongi yawns. "That whole thing with the young master and Jimin."

   Jimin freezes.

   "What thing with Jimin and Jungkook?" Taehyung asks rather cluelessly.

   The others eat silently, not bothering to answer Taehyung's question. The whole staff knew about it already, making a lot who had their eye on the young master jealous and they proceeded to talk bad about Jimin, to which he was oblivious to. It wasn't Namjoon who told everyone, the night guards saw Jimin leave and contacted him in the middle of the night. And of course, they never get much action, so this was pure gold to them in regards to gossip.

   "Jimin what are they talking about?" Taehyung finally looks to Jimin, who looks like he's about to cry.

   His anxiety pumps through his body and he immediately goes into panic mode. It didn't help that everyone was staring at him (minus Jin). His breathing became erratic, he was so scared that Taehyung would be mad at him and the words he wanted to say were lodged in his throat. He couldn't breathe and it felt like the room was closing around him and that he was about to be crushed by whatever would collapse on him. His gaze looked so lifeless as he tried to contain his emotions, his tears finally spilling over onto his cheekbones.

   "Jimin-." Before Taehyung could comfort him, Jimin stood, the chair skidding and falling behind him.

   He dashes out of the building and runs without knowing where he should go. Jimin Can hear his name being called, but his anxiety is picking up so fast like a spreading fire that he doesn't bother slowing down. It didn't matter if he was hyperventilating, he just needed to runaway.

   Coincidently, Jungkook was walking through the front gates, as he always came home to eat lunch before heading back to uni (it was down the street so he walked there). When he saw someone run across the front yard, his heart stopped in panic. "Jimin????" He could see how fast he was running and the others who were chasing after him.

   He dropped his things, not caring that his laptop was in his bag and began speeding after Jimin. Obviously the younger worked out a lot, so he was able to zoom past the others and catch up to the runaway. When he grabs onto his arm, Jimin jerks it away and tries to run even faster. Only Jungkook lunges on top of him, although he quickly turns so that he takes all the impact of the fall and not Jimin.

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