Chapter 44

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   "Young master??? What are you doing out of your room?? You're supposed to be resting!!" Hoseok stands from his seat next to Yoongi, whom was only barely waking up from his own unconscious state. "Why are you all dressed? Where are the nurses?"

   "Hoseok sweetheart," Yoongi groans, leaning his head back. "Stop asking questions please,"

   "I checked myself out." Jungkook answers. "Jimin just called me, he was kidnapped and is being held at his father's home here in Busan." He explains. "I told him I'd come for him and that's what I'm going to do."

   "Woah, wait, wait, hold on just a second," Hoseok stands in Jungkook's way so as to prevent him from leaving the room. "You're in no condition to do this young master. You just woke up from a state of unconsciousness and you need rest to recover."

   Jungkook shakes his head. "I can't risk staying here while Jimin is in trouble hyung. He needs my help and I promised that I'd save him. I'm not going back on my word."

   "Jin-hyung and Namjoon are already looking for him." Says Hoseok. "The master didn't want me to tell you Jimin was kidnapped because he knew this is exactly what would happen. I have my orders young master and they were to not let you leave this hospital until you were well rested and recovered."

   At that Jungkook pulls out a paper, handing it to Hoseok. "Vitals are normal, no more symptoms of anxiety and I paid for everything. I'm well rested and recovered." He starts to walk out again, only to be grabbed by Hoseok.

   "Jungkook," he looks at the younger man for a while, his face softening. With a sigh, he continues with, "Be careful." Before letting his arm go.

   "I will hyung, don't worry." He smiles. "Worry about Yoongi-hyung and the baby." Jungkook says and he leaves the room, rushing down the floor and reaching the elevators.

   As soon as he makes it to the bottom floor, he slams into Mr. Yang. "Father?"

   "Jungkook?? What are you doing out of the room? Where's Hoseok?" He asks.

   "Father, this is an emergency," he grabs Mr. Yang by the shoulders. "Jimin called me, he was kidnapped and is being held by his father."

   "His father? I thought his biological parents had passed away." Replies the older man. "What else did he tell you?"

   "He said he left his phone at the station. The phone he contacted me through was his father's personal phone, one that hasn't been tapped into and is no doubt encrypted. He told me not to call him."

   "Namjoon, Jin and Taehyung went to the station not too long ago." Says Mr. Yang.

   Jungkook immediately remembers what Jimin said and quickly pulls out his phone, clicking on Jimin's name on his contact list and waiting for someone to pick up.

   "Jungkook?" Taehyung's deep voice comes through. "Why are you calling Jimin's phone? Didn't you hear what happened to him?"

   "Hyung, Jimin called me. He was taken to his father's home and he's being held there. He told me to call his phone to see if you would pick up." Jungkook says. "Is Namjoon-hyung with you?"

   "Yeah he's right here."

   There's a short pause, some movement and then Namjoon's voice comes through. "Young master?"

   "Namjoon, Jimin contacted me, he's being held at his father's home." He pulls away from his phone and puts Namjoon on speaker. "I'm going to send you the number he called me from. Don't call him through that number because it's his father's personal phone and the last thing we need is him to figure out who we are." Jungkook types the number and sends it to Namjoon. "Try to figure out how we can find the location to where Jimin is being held."

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