Chapter Six

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{Jimin's POV}

   Around 1 am, I woke up in a cold sweat. Obviously I wasn't in my old apartment anymore and the lumpy mattress I was used to sleeping on was no longer beneath me. For some reason I don't feel right being here.

   I turn to see Taehyung fast asleep, snoring even. He hugs a pillow while his mouth hangs open and it makes me smile; he's so cute. My smile fades when I remember that because of my stupid issues, he had to bring me along with him to this job. If it weren't for me, he could be here by himself. What if he didn't want me to come in the first place? And then when I begged him to stay; if Jungkook hadn't come and been so nice and understanding, would Taehyung have hated that I forced him to stay? Maybe Suga-hyung was right... he's not my mom. She's been dead for almost sixteen years now.

   Because of that, I decide I should just leave. I can make it on my own. I don't need medication for me to live a normal life, I'm just fine without them. So I get my backpack and stuff it with my toothbrush, toothpaste, some clothes to get me through a couple nights as well as cash. As I'm rummaging through my box of clothes, I notice the small picture book that I had tucked inside it.

   Opening it, I smile when I see all the pictures of me and tae. My first birthday as his family's foster son and brother, when we went to prom together and we each took his moms because they didn't want us to be wild and party like the rest of the students; Yeontan in his old age, still cuddling next to Taehyung. All of these memories were so beautiful and I don't ever want to forget them.

   But if I take this with me, I'll never be able to move forward. I'll always be slowing Taehyung down, always be holding him back. And I can't let that go on any longer. I know he's very smart and he's amazing at everything he does, even if he doesn't know what he's doing, he's still amazing at that. And so, I leave the picture book behind, as much as it hurt to let it go.

   I write a small letter before leaving it under his phone and take the charger to mine. I run my fingers through his hair one last time before kissing his temple. "Thank you for everything Tae. I won't slow you down any longer." And just like that, I was out the door.

   I headed out of the complex and began walking across the property. Plugging in my headphones, I play a random playlist and slow dancing in the dark was the first song to play. What a way to depress me even more.

   The moon shines down on me and I can see my shadow as I walk on the concrete path. I look up at the starless sky and suddenly the music takes over me. I begin to slow down my walking and close my eyes; holding out my arms as the wind blows through my hair. Dropping my bag, I begin to dance.

   I move my arms with the beat and my legs shift positions with every syllable Joji sings. Before I know it, I'm dancing my own waltz, pretending someone is guiding me as we glide across the floor. I subconsciously start to sing along, eyes still shut imagining myself on a stage, in front of millions of people watching me dance my sadness away.
*Just in case you don't know who Joji is, I put the video so you can hear the song*

   "Give me reasons we should be complete," Joji sings.

   "You should be with him I can't compete," I answer him.

   "You looked at me like I was someone else, oh well..."

   "Can't you see...?" After a little while it actually felt like I was dancing with someone. My front felt warm, my hand entwines into another's and I can feel a hand on my waist. Why do I see Jungkook on stage with me? Why is he moving so perfectly with me? Our bodies look so perfect for each other.

   Then my earbud is popped out of my ear and I hear the most beautiful voice sing:

   "I don't want to slow dance... In the da—rk, da—rk, in the da—rk, da—rk..."

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