Chapter 34

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  "Alright Namjoon-ah," Mr. Yang practically groans. "Let's listen to the audio before we head home tomorrow."

Namjoon nods and pulls out the cellphone used specifically for business with the other family heads. There he pulls up the audio making sure the master was ready before pressing play. He has a small notebook to write down whatever he found suspicious or should his master catch something off.

They listen to the audio attentively, not speaking a word as they listened to the discussion between the two. Then Mr. Yang sits up, "Wait," and Namjoon taps pause. "Go back a bit."

Doing so Namjoon rewinds it by fifteen seconds and presses play. "My men have run into a few... issues with rivals in the coast."

   "Right there." And Namjoon pauses it. "He's talking about here. That his men have run into problems here in Busan."

   "Perhaps he made it up to sound more convincing sir." Suggests Namjoon. "After all Lord Ki seems exceedingly loyal to you."

   There's a sort of uneasiness in the older man's gut. "Write it down anyways, we'll take care of it once we're home. Continue playing it." Namjoon does as told, Mr. Yang catching the butler writing something down. "What are you writing?" He asks.

   Pausing the audio once again, Namjoon says, "'Morphine,'" he answers. "The name seems familiar to me so I'll write it down to do research on."

   The rest of the audio is played and in some parts of it Mr. Yang can't help but chuckle at how ridiculously fake his sister sounds. Although he's impressed she still knows how to speak to the Lords after being away from home for over twenty years. It's very comical to him how she says 'It's not my place to give orders,' because the itch to express her feelings in her tone. Another reason why their father didn't ask her to be head of operation was because she ran on feeling. That's how she came to love her wife now— the daughter of rivals of his father's business. Since she let her emotions get in the way of profession, she risked her loyalty to their father to marry Namyeon.

   The audio ended and Namjoon awaited to hear his master speak. "She's the same as I remember." Is all he answers with an unimpressed tone. Although he doesn't want to make Namjoon uneasy about her so he chuckles to lighten the mood. "Make sure you keep an eye on the things written when we get home. We'll talk further on the matter once we arrive."

   "Yes master." Namjoon bows his head. "Is there anything you'd like to do before we ready ourselves to leave sir?"

   "Actually there is one thing." Mr. Yang begins. "I'd like to talk to Jungkook. It's been a while since the two of us have gone on vacation just a father and his son." He smiles when they had first came to Busan as a family with Jaehyuk. "Bring me my son please."


   A couple doors down, giggling is heard in Jimin and Jungkook's room. They were both in bed and still bare from last night's events.

   "Hmmm Kookie you have no self control, my hips really hurt." Jimin whines with a pout.

   Jungkook is kissing up his side, occasionally biting the tender flesh while he rubs the bruised prints made by his grip last night. "I'm sorry my love, but your beauty tempts me. I can't just have you once or twice."

   "I know, we went for three more rounds after the first time." Giggles the smaller, gasping as Jungkook massages his hips. "You were exceptionally horny yesterday, it was hard to keep quiet." He bites his lip at the pleasure.

   "Why didn't you just moan out loud? You shouldn't care if others will hear you." Jungkook plants a kiss on his shoulder.

   Rolling his eyes, Jimin replies, "Because you said 'I don't want anyone to hear your voice like this. It's only for me!'" The smaller poorly imitates Jungkook's voice.

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