Jennie and the Alpha (4)

Start from the beginning

When Jennie drew back from the kiss, there was only a slight curve to show that she may have been smiling, but one could hardly tell, as she was already thinking of something else. "Lisa, what are we doing?"

Lisa was a little lost at the question. "What do you mean 'what are we doing'?"

"You know what I mean. Don't play stupid. What are we doing in bed again?"

Taking a tired breath, Lisa laid back on to the bed. She realized that things were not going to go as she planned.

"Well, it would seem that I just declared my love to my pregnant mate and I'm not going to get to hear the same from her."

Jennie made an unintelligent sound, got off the bed, and started looking for a towel so she could take a shower. "Don't start in on that pregnant shit, Lalisa. You and that chick are wrong. I'm not pregnant."

"I have already spoken to your father about it. He knows that you and I are going to be having a baby soon. I also told him that I was hoping you would marry me before the baby came."

Jennie, having found a towel, stopped and faced Lisa.

"You told my father WHAT? Marry you? Lalisa are you out of your mind? How could you tell my father any of those things when none of them are true?"

Lisa went over and drew Jennie into her arms. "Calm down Jen. It isn't good for you to be upset while you're pregnant. It's not good for the baby. All I want to do is take care of you and keep you safe. To do that, you need to come to terms with the fact that you are pregnant."

She's out of her freaking mind, Jennie thought. Who on earth would tell any woman's father that they had gotten their daughter pregnant when it wasn't true. It couldn't be true. She couldn't have gotten pregnant from a total stranger, no matter how un-stranger-like Lisa was starting to become.

"Wait a second. Who let you in to my room? I thought I left you outside last night."

"Your dad did after he and I had our talk. Now enough of this. Go take your shower. You have a doctor's appointment before we head over to the town carnival. Maybe after he tells you that you're pregnant you'll be inclined to listen"

As Jennie was about to lay in on Lisa about ordering her around as if she was a small child, she flipped open that stupid phone of hers and started dialing numbers. Asshole.


Joohyun was fuming over yesterday's meeting with Lisa's precious Jennie. It was unbelievable that that young ass bitch was already pregnant with her child. Even more so that Lisa didn't even use a condom at all. She'd tried so many times to get pregnant by Lisa, but she always insisted they use condoms every time. She had to come up with creative ways: sucking the sperm out of the used condom with a turkey baser and then squirting it inside herself. She had poked holes in her condoms in hopes that the condoms would bust, and they did.

After three broken condoms, Lisa started using her own, and she never had an opportunity to get a hold of them. Any time she was in heat, she wouldn't come near her. That's when she started to freeze her sperm that she got out of the condoms. When she was ovulating she would use the frozen sperm in hopes to make a baby, but it never took. She was desperate.

Although she knew only mated pairs who have gone through the mating ceremony could reproduce, there was a possibility that half mated pairs could reproduce. The only requirement for half mating was for one of them to bite the other with the intent to mate.

Logic told her that was why Lisa always used a condom during sex and why she never had sexual relations with any women when they are in heat. Oh, and the almost non existing chance for conception when a newly turned female were fertility cycle is still in the between phase of human and Were. That fucking bitch and that fucking loophole.

Joohyun paced back and forth. She had to come up with a plan to break up Jennie and Lisa. Lisa is very protective and would fight for what is hers, but Jennie would probably end it if she found Lisa cheating on her. Joohyun smiled genuinely at the female were who just enter her office, already making plans.

"What can I do for you?"


"This can't be happening," Jennie said as she threw her last pair of pants down on the floor. "Why are all of my pants too tight around the waist?"

Lisa hide a smile as she buttoned the last button of her white dress shirt. "Maybe because you're pregnant and the baby had a growth spurt in your womb last night?"

"Or maybe my foot got shoved up your ass. Be serious, how can my pants not fit me anymore?"

Lisa walked to her closet, "I am being serious. You don't look any bigger but your jeans were already tight. I think being pregnant gave your jeans a short expiration date. Here's a dress. I know it will fit."

Jennie caught the dress and put it on. It was a wide-neck cotton and lace dress, a pale wheat color with purple and gold studding around the edges and a drawstring waist. It had cut out shoulders of the elbow length kimono style sleeves and was one of her favorite dresses. She pulled out a pair of purple suede thong booties.

"No, take it off. I don't want you wearing it," Lisa said, feeling stupid for giving her a dress that was really short and would put lust into every male and teenager guy.

"What, why, what's wrong with it?" Jennie looked into the mirror and thought she looked great.

"It's too short. I don't want any other person looking at you." The dress reached where her fingers would start on her hand and showed too much of her fabulously toned and feminine legs. Lisa gave her head a quick shake to get away from the thoughts.

Jennie looked at the mirror again. "The dress is meant to be this short. I wear it to school all the time. It's fine. And as for people looking at me, you're going to have to get over that really quick, because I volunteered to work the kissing booth while the other people go on break."

Lisa just about fell over when she heard what she had said. "Well, we'll have to find someone else to do your volunteer work, because the only person you're going to be kissing is me for now on."

"Don't hold your breath on that one." Jennie said as she put on the finishing touches to the outfit.

"Looks like you have gotten taller as you are now measuring at a steady 5'1" and you're weight is now 106, but you're an athlete so that doesn't surprise me, Jen, so don't fret about your weight." her father said as he took her weight and hight.

"I thought I had stopped growing?" Jennie gave a confused look at her father.

"Well," her father said, "You were a hard core gymnast and cheerleader so it kinda stunted your growth from your hormones. I'm surprise your chest had developed to be honest. But because you have been out of the vigorous training you had been doing, your starting to develop, what has for the most part, been delayed."

Lisa nodded and added some facts on the matter. "Also, with the disease that makes us a werewolf, it makes us immune to sickness as well as develops us so that we are our most physically perfect self. Plus we age extremely slow."

"Jen, why don't you take off your dress and hop up on the table and lay back for me. I'm going to give you an ultra sound to see how the development of my grand child is going."

"Your wasting your time with this dad. I'm not pregnant," Jennie says as she complies with her fathers request.

George warns Jennie that the jell is going to be cold as he squeezes it onto her abdomen.

"Holy shit thats cold," Jennie gasps and looks over and Lisa to find her focused and grinning like an idiot in her fathers direction.

"And there are my grand babies', both of them," George says with obvious joy in his voice.

Jennie's head whips around to see what her father was talking about and comes face to face with the most startling image in her life.

A fuzzy picture of the two most beautiful babies she has ever seen and her throats clogs up with emotions.

"I'm pregnant."


Wait for part 5 there will be a lot of drama :)

Should I kill Joohyun or y'all want Seulrene?

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