Jennie and the Alpha (3)

Start from the beginning

"There's nothing wrong with me. I probably just need to eat," Jennie contradicted.

"Or stop eating, but that is just an observation. You look a bit...big for your size," retorted Joohyun.

Lisa looked sharply and growled at Joohyun. Jennie beat her to the punch in her defense. "Jealous that your tits are barely a hand full and the only time your ass looks good is when you bend over and people can't tell that it's relatively flat. I think I'll stick to eating just to make sure I don't slim down to your size."

Lisa contained the laugh bubbling up in her chest but she let out a snort from the effort.

"Lisa didn't seem to mind. In fact, she couldn't seem to get enough of me."

Her malevolent smiled disappeared when Lisa spoke in a low tone void of emotion: "watch who you speak to and what you speak about or else you will find out just how much that I have had more than enough of you and your ways. Get on with your job."

Lisa didn't look at Jennie, focusing on Joohyun's every move with calculating eyes. Jennie noticed and stared at the ceiling as she processed what the bitch said. Lisa and Joohyun were lovers, or used to be lovers and, from what Joohyun said, they met up quite a lot. Why should that bother her? She didn't want Lisa. Jennie was shocked at how Joohyun comment had upset her. Strangely, she felt like crying, but she knew she couldn't. She would not give either of them the satisfaction of seeing her cry.

"No, she can't be. NO!" The raven haired face was a mix of emotion: horror, hurt, anger, anger, and anger. She turned blazing eyes on Lisa. "The only way this could have happened is if you mated with her and she is too young to mate. You have broken pack law. You mated someone who is underage. She isn't even worth the trouble for the consequence that will be handed down on you. What were you thinking? Alphas are not above pack law and that includes you, Lalisa."

"Calm yourself!" Lisa thundered, making Jennie jump.

"I am aware of pack law and I can assure you that I have not broken any laws. Watch who you accuse of such things, Irene. You know that pack law breaking is taken very seriously and great punishments are laid on those who falsely accuse others. Jennie was just under a year at being newly turned when we first met. From your diagnosis, we know now that her body had not quite adjusted to a female Were's fertility cycle; thus making her pregnancy very possible and in line with pack law."

Lisa was looking furiously at Irene, and Irene was looking horrified and spitefully at Jennie. Jennie didn't notice either of them, staring at the ceiling with her mouth opening and shutting like a fish in water, one word swimming in her head: pregnant.

Pulling herself together, Jennie got up off the bed and decided that she wasn't pregnant.

"I'm not pregnant. I just need to eat more, then I'll feel better and this sick feeling will go away. Lalisa, I think you should take me home. My father will be worrying about me soon." Jennie turned and headed for the door, but was turned back by Lisa and led back to the bed where she sat her down. She heard Lisa say something, Irene leave the room, and shut the door behind her.

Lisa grabbed a chair and sat in front of Jennie, who was seated on the edge of the bed. She took her chin in her hand and turned her face towards hers, saying her name a few times before she came back to reality. Jennie stared at Lisa and realized that she was speaking. "I know that this is a shock to you, but you need to listen to me."

"I don't want to listen to you. You have caused me nothing but problems since you barged into my life. I think it's time for you to listen to me Lalisa. I am not pregnant. You and I have only had sex one time. We are not married. We are strangers. I don't even know you, and you don't know a thing about me. You are going to take me home and never come near me again. This topic is forever closed, you understand?"

Lisa looked at Jennie with patient, guarded eyes. "Jennie, you are pregnant. We are pregnant. We are going to have a baby. We are going to get married. We are going to be mothers. Your father is going to be a grandfather. You are pregnant."

Jennie, as stubborn as ever refused to acknowledge any of what Lisa said as true. "No, I'm not. Take me home, I want to go home."

Lisa realizing that she wasn't going to get through to her and knowing it is best for the baby not to get her upset, decided to do what she was asked. She drove her home and walked her inside and up to her room. She undressed without looking at Lisa and slipped under the covers. Lisa heard her father come in the house and went down stairs to meet him.

"What are you doing here?" George, Jennie's father, demanded.

"We need to talk," is all Lisa said and made her way to the living room where she resigned her self for a very uncomfortable talk with her future father-in-law.

"I don't like beating around the bush so I'm going to get straight to the point. Jennie is pregnant. We are going to have a baby."

George was looking blankly at Lisa; then Lisa's words seemed to make connections in his head. "Get out, you son of a bitch." George stood up and rushed Lisa.

Lisa, understood that this was an uncomfortable conversation to have with a father, and gently grabbed the man and forced him to take a seat. "George, I understand that this is the last thing a father wants to hear about his little girl but you need to listen to me. It's very important."

George soccer punched Lisa in the jaw then sat back down. "I'm ready, talk."

Lisa rubbed her jaw out of habit than from George's punch. Lisa over looked the punch to the jaw from George. "Jennie is my mate. A mate to a were is the equivalent to a husband or wife, except there is no divorce. Like a soul mate. Usually only one in a life time, never two at once, and is more binding than anything once the ceremony has taken placed and it's official. I am committed to Jennie, heart and soul. I will tear apart anyone who seeks to hurt. I made a mistake the very first time I met her and I regret how I handled myself. Jennie is young and she was hit blindly as the recipient of a male were who had found his mate. For Jennie to survive, she needs to learn the ways of a were. She doesn't want to learn, and I need her to understand that there isn't a choice in the matter. She's so new at this and all that has happened I think has stressed her out..."

George held up his hand to stop Lisa from going on. "If she is pregnant, it is her choice on whether or not she wants to marry you. Korean blood may run through her veins but she is an American woman. I am happy at the prospect of becoming a grandfather, but I still want to cut your dick off. You hurt my daughter and I will cut your dick off and feed it to you."

Lisa rubbed her eyes. She needed to see Jennie again and hold her. She looked up to the stair case.

"Go on, go to bed," George commanded Lisa like she would a small child. It's hard not to be a parent when you've been one for what seemed like forever. Someday soon Lisa will understand.

Lisa, funny how it sounds, did as she was told and went up to Jennie's room. She undressed and slide under the covers and spooned her back. She groaned at the feel of Jennie's naked body against hers and willed herself to sleep, though it wasn't easy. She hoped come daylight Jennie would be ready to deal with reality.

Everyone was telling me to make this a book but should I quit the chapters from here or should I leave them here?

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