Are You Okay?

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It was the day of the yule ball and Bexley hadn't been at this amount of peace in awhile. Her friend had survived, Harrison won the second event of the tournament and she had time to take a break from studying and just enjoying the time.

Heidi had come over. She had woken up Bexley from a dreamless sleep. Bexley rolled over putting the pillow over her face. "Get out it's like 10 in the morning." She groaned, sitting up and then wiping the sleep from her eyes.

"Its the afternoon."

Bexley jumped up at this. She couldn't believe she had slept for that long. Although she had felt tired more than usual lately.

"You're joking." Bexley rushed her words as she hopped in the shower with her toothbrush.

The ball was to start at 4 and end around 10 at night. She could hear Heidi shuffle around her room from the bathroom.

"Is this your dress? You are going to look positively radiant." Bexley could hear Heidi's smile through the noise of the water.

Bexley got out of shower with a towel in her hair and one around her body. "It was a gift." Bexley shrugged with a sly smile.

Heidi knew exactly who the gift was from. The color had said all. She laid out the beautiful and most likely expensive dress across Bexley's bed. Bexley had noted that Heidi had already done her makeup.

By the time Heidi had turned her into a cake face it was 3:45 which gave them enough time to get into their dresses and head down the stairs.

"Remmy will just love that dress." Bexley told her sincerely.

Heidi had looked amazing. She was wearing a purplish pink dress that hugged her in all the right places.

Heidi blushed and looked down at her heels. "I'm actually going with Viktor Krum" She told her in a whispered.

Bexley tutted at her. "You disappoint me Heidi Granger, you should know that Remington is crazy for you."

Heidi shrugged her shoulders still looking at the ground. "If that's so true, then he would of asked me." Bexley felt like kicking Remmy's ass.

Bexley changed the subject looking at her alarm clock. "Well never mind that. We should get going." Heidi linked her arm with Bexley's and Bexley took a deep breath.

They walked each other to the Great Hall. The Great Hall had been transformed to the perfect ball. The floor shined as magical snowflakes hit the ground. They both gasped. It was a lovely set up. The perfect way to celebrate a tournament.

The doors opened on their own like they senses the girls wanted to come in. Right at the door Viktor Krum was waiting for Heidi like the perfect gentlemen. She gave Bexley a silent wave and Bexley smiled at her.

Her eyes searched for Draco and it was like her wish had been heard. He was sitting at one of the tables surrounded by his Slytherin minions. Bexley couldn't help but think that maybe they were death eaters as well.

The light hit her just right as it bounced off one of the jewels from her necklace. He made eye contact with her and excused himself from his friends. His smile could make any girl fall to their knees.

"You look breath taking." His mouth was close to her ear and she shivered from the slight touch.

She smiled, a blush coming to her cheeks. "You don't look so bad yourself." She complimented him. It was true. He could look good in anything but tonight he was dressed so formal and different that he just stood out more then all the other boys.

He offered his hand to her and she took it. He led them to the dance floor. A slow song was playing as they danced slowly.

She had made eye contact with Kendric. He looked handsome as well so she gave him a friendly wink. He mouthed 'you look gorgeous' to her and she mouthed back a thank you. Draco noticed their encounter and swiped her farther away from Kendric.

She rolled her eyes but didn't fight him. This was still a lovely night for them.

After the song Dumbledore came to the stage and made a short announcement basically telling everyone to enjoy themselves tonight.

Music kept playing. A faster song came on and they both tried to dance to it. But, suddenly Bexley became woozy and she frowned. Draco noticed and stopped as every one continued to dance around them.

"Are you okay? Do you need to sit down?" He asked, his face wretched with concern.

Bexley had the sudden urge to puke and she didn't reply. Instead she took off running to the nearest bathroom.

She found the closest toilet and puked up all the contents from her stomach. This was weird. She hadn't felt off at all until that moment. And she rarely threw up. Unless she apparated.

She slid down the toilet and sat against it. One hand held her stomach and the other held her forehead. Her forehead had a few sweat droplets. She grabbed a piece of toilet paper and wiped the sweat off.

Draco had finally found her and slid down next to her. "I'm sorry to ruin the night I don't know what happened." She apologized to him, not looking at him.

"Balls aren't really my scene anyways" He reassured her truthfully. The concern from before came back. "Let me take you to the infirmary. Just to make sure everything is alright."

Bexley nodded and grabbed his hand, still feeling weak from throwing up. Her body weight leaned against him as he guided them to the nurses.


"And you just threw up? Out of nowhere?" The nurse ruffled around checking her temperature.

Bexley nodded. "I never even felt sick." She answered the nurse.

Draco was still by her side holding her hands. "If you'll excuse me Mr. Malfoy. I am just going to do one last test on Miss Sallow."

Draco hesitantly moved out of the way as the nurse took out her wand. She waved her wand over Bexley's stomach. A purple color glowed from her wand as she did this. The nurse hummed.

"Ah. Just what I thought." She glared at the two of them playfully.

Bexley became angered. "Well, what is wrong with me?" She demanded.

The nurse smiled at her. "You are pregnant with a little witch or wizard." The nurse kept beaming as Draco and Bexley's face fell.

"I think I'm going to be sick now." Draco's face had gotten whiter then usual and his eyes rolled to the back of his head. His body hit the ground with a thud and it was like the nurse expected it. She waved her wand so a pillow zoomed under his head.

Bexley looked over. He was out cold. Bexley rolled her eyes. She was the one that was pregnant and he's the one that gets to faint.

The nurse asked her if she wanted to call someone and Bexley nodded. "I can do it." She told the nurse.

Bexley put her fingers in her mouth and whistled for Bambina. She was a very smart bird. Bambina came flying through the window. The nurse left a note pad and pen as she went to go check on another student.

She wrote 2 notes with the same words.

Come to the infirmary.

-Bexley Sallow

She instructed Bambina to give the notes to Kendric and Heidi. Bambina flew off in a rush like she understood the urgency.

Less than 5 minutes later they both had arrived through the big doors at the same time. Both of them shared the same look of concern for her.

"Is he sleeping?" Kendric kicked Draco's foot to try to wake him up.

Bexley waved her hand. "Don't bother. He fainted like a wussy." She glared at the passed out boy on the floor.

Heidi sat on the edge of her bed and grabbed her hand. "What kind of news could of made Draco Malfoy faint." She attempted to make a joke.

Bexley looked dead into their eyes. "I'm pregnant."

"Oh-" Another pillow flew across the room as Kendric fell directly next to Draco, passed out.

Bexley sighed with Heidi. Heidi crawled next to her in the bed. They were still in their gowns. Heidi put her arm around Bexley pulling her to her side. They were basically cuddling. "We are going to get through this." Heidi told her.

Bexley smiled. "I know."

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