He's Weird

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Bexley shoved her face into her pillow and screamed, letting all her frustration out. That feels so much better, she thought to herself.

Draco was literally crazy. Does he get beaten at home or something? Never experienced love or something? Bexley shook her head to get rid of her thoughts. The thoughts still remained though.

She groaned loudly when she ripped his sweater off of her being left in her black bra and jeans. Bexleys mind was filled with fire. All she wanted to do was light his stupid hoodie on fire. A light bulb went off in her head.

She wasn't even tired. So what else is there to do? Light his hoodie on fire right outside his stupid window. But first she had to go grab her best friend.

Bexley put on a random shirt out of her suitcase and threw it on before going to the door to open it.

She tiptoed out to the corridor and all the way down to the Gryffindor rooms. Going upstairs to Heidi's room she looked around every corner making sure it was empty. It was.

She knocked. No answer. She tried the door. Locked.

Heidi was in her bed fast asleep. The sound of a little tapping was not going to wake her up. Bexley groaned in frustration. She now had to do this alone. She turned around ready to walk outside.

Her body quickly collided into someone. "Remmy?" Bexley crossed her arms.

Remmy stood there in his pyjamas. What was he doing in the girl's Gryffindor dormitories?

"I heard someone rummaging up here so I came to check it out..." He explained but trailed off in an obvious lie.

Bexley knew he was lying but she didn't have the time to care. "You're coming with me then." She grabbed his arm and pulled him out of the Gryffindor rooms.

Remmy didn't even protest as she dragged him outside. Literally dragged him. "What in the hell are we doing out here? It is quiet nippy out." He whined to her.

Bexley raised her eyebrows suggestively. "Well it's about to get a little warm." Was all she said as she pulled her wand out. She chucked Draco Malfoy's hoodie to the ground.

Bexley looked up to Draco's window and saw that a little glowing light was illuminating the room making it known he was most likely awake. Now was the time.

She took one last look at Remmy and he was staring at her like she was crazy.

"Incendio!" She flicked her wrist and his hoodie was immediately on fire. The fire crackled as she stared deep into it watching the material melt away.

She looked up to Draco's room and the drapes had been pulled back and he was staring at her through the window. Draco had put two and two together. She watched as he slammed the curtains shut and the light had turned off.

Bexley had felt satisfied. Remmy started stomping on the fire to put it out. She had forgotten about what she had just done. Sleepiness had soon overcome her. "I want to go to bed now." She informed him.

Remmy looked at her as he wrapped his arm around her and led her back to her dorm.


Draco slammed his curtains shut and anger washed over him. Who did this mudblood think she was? You don't just disrespect Draco Malfoy like that. Draco was wealthy and highly respected in the wizarding world. So when a measly girl who was from Canada of all places came to Hogwarts and treated him like this, he liked it.

Nobody in all his 16 years of living had anyone dared to cross him. It didn't help that the boy wasn't all that friendly and had a body full of hatred ready to explode at any minute

Something about this girl with human parents intrigued him and he couldn't deny that. He also didn't want to ruin his on going reputation. People at school feared him and he liked that. Having a soft spot meant going soft. But, if he wanted her that bad he might just have to risk it.


Bexley repeatedly thumped her head against the desk in her potions class. She could feel Draco's eyes on her as she did this. Bexley found this class boring most of the time. She was an absolute menace at it.

Harrison sat beside her and slid his text book in the place where she was thumping her head. "You're being a little loud." He whispered to her.

Bexley stopped thumping her head and let it rest on the book. The teacher kept going on about the lecture. On and on.

A piece of paper suddenly hit her in the head and she looked up. She glanced at Harrison and he shook his head. "Don't look at him but, Draco threw a note at you."

Ignoring the part about not looking at him she snapped her eyes to Draco and Harrison sighed. He raised his eyebrows and gestured to the note. She turned away from him and opened the crumpled up note.

The letters clearly were nicely written and she could almost smell his scent coming off the paper. Did he spray the note too? Gosh, he was so weird, she thought to herself.

Then she read it.

"I want you"

Bexleys stomach turned and she felt nauseous. She dropped the note to the ground and slammed her foot on it a million times until it had ripped apart and was unreadable.

"Is there an issue, miss Sallow?" The teacher stopped her lecture and was staring at her.

Bexley looked at Draco. "Not at all, carry on."


"Well what did the note say?" Harrison had found her after class.

"Just a stupid note saying he wanted me." Bexley shrugged. A deep anger burned in her stomach.

Harrison scrunched his eyebrows together, confused. "That's so weird. Draco has never shown interest in someone before. And I have known him for awhile." He explained.

"He frustrates me too much. He's high and then he's low. Like make up your bi polar mind already." She told him starting to feel guilty about stepping on the note.

Harrison agreed with her. "He is weird."

Bexley bid her goodbye to him and walked off to her next class. She kept her head down watching her feet move instead of what was in front of her. A nasty habit of hers. She was about to step into her next class when someone grabbed her roughly.

"Get your filthy, disgusting hands off of me!" Bexley told whoever had just grabbed her and put her out of the way of peering eyes.

The person let go of her and stepped back giving her time to realise who it was.

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