Like You Know Anything, Sallow

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Authors Note: 

Omg Chapter 25!! Thanks for the votes. They make my day and encourage me to write faster (:

Slytherin Legacies will be posted on my profile page. You can click it from my profile. I'll only be releasing the first bit which a list of all the new characters. (All the characters from this books kids) So check it out!!


It was the day where the headmaster, Dumbledore, picked the three wizards that were to partake in the three events. The day was simple. He picked who was going to partake and then the three wizards (or witches) were going to fight a dragon. Pretty simple.

All three academy's gathered in the Great Hall. Bexley sat right beside Draco. Draco was bored as always but Bexley was very interested into see who was going to get picked. None of her friends had bothered with the dangers of the tournament and for that she was grateful. 

Dumbledore clapped his hands excitedly at the goblet. Everyone in the room was on their toes in anticipation. "Now, for our three wizards that have the chance to have all the glory. The first wizard is..." 

The goblet spat out a piece of parchment paper and Dumbledore caught it swiftly in his brittle fingers. "From the Hogwarts school we have... Chase Diggory!" 

The boy from Hufflepuff that Bexley saw yesterday stood up and her whole school cheered. From the exception of Slytherin. Only a few from Slytherin were cheering and Draco glared at them which made them stop. Bexley rolled her eyes at him.

 Another piece of paper got spat out and Dumbledore grabbed it again. "From the Beauxbaton's academy it is Fleur Delacour!" 

A blonde girl from the all girl academy stood up and people cheered for her. She did a little shy wave and sat back down.

"Finally from the Durmstrang academy our third champion is Viktor Krum" 

People whispered and cheered when his name had been called. She heard some people talk about how amazing he was at quidditch and that's when Bexley got the clue about him. 

A feast had been laid out and people all around were about to dig in when the Goblet made a screeching noise making everyone stop. Dumbledore and all the teachers stood up from the teachers table. Dumbledore made his way to the Goblet as another piece or paper came flying out. 

Bexley looked at Draco and Draco shared her look of confusion. Dumbledore read he piece of paper and his gaze snapped to the Gryffindor table. "Harrison Potter."

Everyone in the room stared at him and Bexley heard  Draco whisper to himself. "Fuck that kid" Bexley ignored him though.

"It must be a mistake. I didn't put my name in Dumbledore, sir" Harrison stood up and shared the rooms look of confusion. 

"Are you sure Harrison?" Dumbledore stroked his beard in distress. 

Harrison nodded his head furiously. Dumbledore put the note in his pocket. "The goblet does not lie! Harrison is to join our champion in the triwizard." His voice boomed making the announcement.

Harrison shrunk back in his seat and he had paled. It was true. Bexley had never seen Harrison put his name into the goblet. In fact nobody did.

"Let's get out of here. I can't wait to watch Harrison die tonight." That was probably the happiest tone Draco had all day day. 

"That's not funny, Malfoy." She told him sternly.

Draco smirked at her as he grabbed her hand to drag her out of the room. "It isn't a joke, Bex"

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