Frankly, I Don't Care

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Bexley and Heidi walked up towards the school together and this 'Hogwarts' school Bexley had heard about from her aunt was much bigger than she could ever imagine. 

"Oh! There they are. Come with me Bexley." Heidi grabbed Bexleys hand and led her over to 2 boys. One had  very dark brown hair with blue eyes to match and the other was a ginger boy. Heidi was friends with these boys?

"I'm Harrison." The boy with dark hair and glasses introduced himself to Bexley. 

"And I am Remington. Remmy for short if you prefer." Remmy gave a wink to Bexley but Bexley ignored it and gave him a slight glare. 

"I'm Bexley." She told the 2 boys. 

The boys looked at her with curiosity. "Is that a Canadian accent I hear?" Harrison asked shocked.

"Yes and what about it." Bexley remembered Hagrids words. Perhaps the students here would be more weirded out by her accent not the other way around. 

Heidi quickly piped up. "She's just like me! She has muggle parents. That is probably why she is joining us so late." 

The 2 boys listened to what Heidi had said and agreed with her.

Suddenly their friendly moment was ruined when a British boy with bright blonde hair came up to Harrison. "Nice to see you again, Potter." The blonde boy spat out Harrison's last name like poison. 

"Malfoy." Harrison acknowledged the boy with no feelings. Bexley looked at the boy with a glare. 

"And who might this mud blood be?" The boy scowled at  Bexley. 

Bexley became angry all of a sudden. "I don't think that's really any of your business." She retorted at him. 

"Oh your'e sugar and spice, how fun! Do you not know who I am?" The boy seemed mad  that someone as low as a mud blood didn't know who he was!

"Should I?" Bexley was genuinely confused. This boy seemed like a complete spazz. Just because someone is attractive does not mean they can act like that.

The boys grey eyes seemed to darken. "I'm Draco, Draco Malfoy." She told him, pride lacing his voice heavily. "You should be careful who your friends with, like these losers. That is my advice" He quickly adds. 

Bexley smiles at him. "Frankly, I don't care."

Her new 3 friends smiled with her and the boy known as Draco stormed away to his friends. 

Eventually they all made their way to The Great Hall and Bexley was pushed in with the first years since she had to be sorted into a group just like them. Eventually the hat was placed upon her head and everyone at the 4 tables looked up at her ready to welcome her to their group. 

The sorting hat hummed and she kind of wished to be with her new three new friends but was ready to accept any group as long as it wasn't the one with that foul boy Draco.

The sorting hat had seemed to hear her thoughts and was quick to announce "Slytherin!" Everyone at the Slytherin table cheered except for Draco and his 2 friends. She made a quick glance to the Gryffindor table and her 3 friends gave her a sad smile. She was slightly upset but she knew she would see them in classes. 

Unfortunately the only spot available left at the Slytherin table was next to Draco and Bexley became confident and shot Draco a cocky smile for in return the blonde boy rolled his eyes and scoffed. 

Bexley sat down and Draco opened his fat mouth. "Just great, a mud blood in Slytherin. Disgusting." 

Now Bexley was slightly hurt by this as the word 'mud blood' because in the wizarding world is was a nasty, cruel word but, the human part of her wasn't effected because that part of her saw it as just a word. 

So Bexley ignored his harsh words and turned her attention to the headmaster of Hogwarts. "If you follow your groups leader to your dormitories they will show you where to go from there." He announced. 

Bexley followed closely to her groups prefect. British people are so weird. A prefect? Just call them a leader or something. Those thought remained to herself. Bexley's dorm was decked out in the colour green. She kinda liked the colour green so she didn't mind it too much. On her bed was a pin to attach to her school robe. The pin was a crest with a green snake in the middle. 

She crawled into bed and sleep slowly consumed her.


Bexley was awoken up with a bang and she quickly looked to the window and it was still dark out. What was that bang?! It is the middle of the night. She got up and she had just her red pyjama set on. She wandered out to the common room and nobody was there. 

Perhaps she imagined the loud thud that had woken her up. No way. She shook her head to herself. She opened the door to the dark, huge corridor. As she peeped her head out, suddenly a dark figure had come straight at her and began to suck at her face. She screamed at the top of her lungs hoping someone heard her attack.

"Expecto Patronum!" A familiar voice had taken out his wand and flung the black figure out of the common room and he quickly shut the door.

Bexley panted with tears in her eyes and her eyes met with her saviours. Draco Malfoy. 

"Are you alright? I don't know what those stupid things were doing wandering the corridor." He grabbed Bexley's hand and helped her to her feet. 

Bexley was still shaken from what had happened and continued to let a couple more tears fall. Her aunt never told her about those things! 

"Don't cry! I don't deal well with tears. Just go back to your bed. You obviously don't known anything about dementors." Draco's voice was a mix of caring and annoyance. 

"You didn't have to help me." Bexley shot back at him. 

"And let you die? Even a mud blood like yourself doesn't deserve death from a dementor." 

Bexley sighed. Draco may be a dick but he did save her and there was no way she could of saved herself. "Thanks, I guess."

"Whatever i'm going back to sleep."

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