You're Pretty Sneaky

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The summer went by fast and Bexley was grateful. Over the summer she received letters from all her friends and even Draco and it was more than once. She got one everyday from him. Some were vague but she was sure it was because he was busy.

Draco was busy. His parents were busy preparing for the Dark Lords official return. Nobody knew really when that was going to be but something deep inside of Bexley told her that it was going to be soon.

"Are you packed?" Bexley looked up from her laptop. Mia's son had come to work with her today. He was adorable with the same olive skin as his mother and deep brown eyes.

Bexley smiled at the 10 year old boy. "Yes. Do you wanna grab Bambina's cage?" 

Mia's son, Trevor, nodded his head excitedly. He was fascinated with the bird and always asked Bexley to pet her. She grabbed her suitcase as Trevor grabbed the cage eagerly.

They both went downstairs and Mia was waiting in the entrance with Bexley's jacket. Mia gave her a motherly smile. "I can't believe this is your last year of school." 

Bexley hadn't even thought of that. It was her last year of school. Then she would be a full witch. She couldn't believe how fast the past two years had gone by.

"I know. It's crazy." She stopped and looked at her watch. "Oh! I must go or else i'll miss my flight." She took the cage from little Trevor's hands after putting on her coat. 

Outside her house was a man with a car waiting for her. Courtesy of her parents. The man grabbed her things from her. He looked at the owl weirdly but Bexley brushed him off. 


The hills rolled by as she looked out the window. Her head rested on the cold surface. She was bored. Kendric sat across from her in the train carriage. He read a wizarding world newspaper.

Bexley reached into her coat pocket to grab a piece of gum but she felt something cold instead. She pulled out a silver chain with a diamond snake pendant. It was similar to the one Draco had gotten her a year ago. That she destroyed. 

A piece of paper came out with the necklace. Kendric watched her as she read it.

To replace the old one.



Kendric assisted her on putting the necklace on. "He's too sweet to you." He said to her.

Bexley giggled. "You're joking right?" She had a flashback to the hundreds of time he had called her a filthy mudblood.

Kendric smirked. "Is this a 'sorry we had sex and then school ended' gift?" Bexley slapped his arm.

"That is our secret!" She whisper yelled even though they were in a spelled soundproof carriage. 

Kendric put his hands up defensively. "Not my fault you have a big mouth." Bexley sent him a glare. If looks could kill. Perhaps there's a spell for that?

She pushed him out of the way so she could exit the carriage first and she heard him huff. That made her happy.

Bexley tucked the necklace into the neckline of her coat as she walked up to the entrance of the school. She was determined not to ruin this gift. It was most likely expensive. 

She heaved her suitcase up the trillions of stairs. She was one floor higher of course. Finally reaching her new dorm she admired it. It was only slightly bigger then the one from before. Yet everything was also completely identical.

A warm embrace hugged her from behind. She grabbed this hands of the unknown person. She knew who it was from the snake ring. It matched her necklace. She spun herself so she was facing Draco. He kissed her on the forehead.

She closed her eyes, enjoying it. She was glad their feud was finally gone. They didn't really have a label. She was okay with that. People assumed she was his girlfriend anyways. 

"Did you like the necklace? You aren't going to wreck it are you?" He whispered, his breath tickling her ear.

She grabbed the necklace around her neck. "I do. You're pretty sneaky."

He smirked and kissed her on the mouth and she let him.


Bexley had a sense of unhappiness this year. Her favourite twins Fred and George had graduated the year before. The trio she called her friends were distant and she didn't blame them.

Draco's hand squeezed her thigh which made her snap her attention back to the headmaster, Dumbledore. 

"This year is a special year. I want you to give our guests a warm welcome while we celebrate this years event. The Goblet of Fire."

All four houses cheered as the supposed guests entered the Great Hall. About 20 girls dressed in blue skirts and dress shirts entered the hall. They were twirling and casting butterfly charms. She watched as the weird girl Luna grabbed a butterfly and put it in her pocket.

After the girls came in a group of men came in. They all had walking sticks. They tapped their stick on the floor in a arrhythmic beat. All the houses continued to cheer. 

Dumbledore introduced the girls as the Beauxbatons Academy and the boys were from the Academy of Durmstrang. 

She looked at Draco and he held his head in his hand that wasn't touching her. He was bored.

"The Goblet of Fire is a triwizard tournament. On a regularly basis any student can apply to enter. This year the ministry has decided to have the age limit to be at least 17." Dumbledore's voice boomed.

Students all over booed at the headmaster. Bexley didn't care. She had heard about this tournament. It was dangerous and she had a feeling every Gryffindor wanted to sign up. It seemed like they asked for death.

She watched the Hufflepuff table as everyone slapped this one guy on the back. They were egging him on to sign up. Bexley gaped as he got up from his table with a small piece of parchment that probably had his name on it. 

Bexley looked him up and down. He had the body of every other male with a face that was friendly and a sharp jawline. She had personally never had him in any of her classes. She knew that for sure. 

"Those Gryffindors are begging for death." Bexley heard the snarl of Penelope Riggs.

That was probably the only time she could ever agree with Bexley because she watched multiple kids, that were in Gryffindor, who were also close to her age apply to be in the tournament. Her mouth even fell as she witnessed Remmy put his name into the goblet.

"You have to fight a dragon in the first event." Draco whispered into Bexley's ears. 

Her eyebrows raised. "How do you know?"

Draco shrugged and ignored her eye contact. "My father told me." 

Bexley grabbed the hand that laid on her thigh. Her stomach churned as she asked the next question. "Is something bad going to happen?"

Draco frowned at her. "I wont lie to you. Yes."


Authors Note:

I have all the characters names and photos picked out for the next book. If you're interested I will post it today so you can see the cast. The name of the second book is called Slytherin Legacies and it is based on Draco Malfoys' daughter. It will be a love triangle book.

Thanks for reading. <3 

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