"You have this for a reason now use it or I won't talk to you this whole day". He looked up at me eyes wide and I just shrugged and walked out of the bathroom.

I heard him sigh as I started pulling off my pajamas. Within a few minutes, I was dressed waiting for him at the door. Then he finally came out and his hair still looked very messy but you could still tell by the shine it had that it was brushed so I smiled and held out my hand for him to take.

He smiled then quickly jogged over to me taking my hand. I rolled my eyes at his excitement and opened the door. As soon as we got out into the hallway Draco and Harry's door opened followed by a wide-awake Harry and a complaining Draco.

"But babyyyyy it's so early." I heard Draco say as he rubbed his eyes with one hand and was dragged by Harry with the other. Harry then saw us and waved.

"Good Morning, how are you guys, is everything ok? From this morning?" Harry asked. I nodded my head as I waved back and chuckled at Draco's behavior.

"Good morning to you as well Harry. Everything's fine the twins just wanted to play a "fun" little prank on me that's all." I said as Harry nodded his head in understanding. We then all started walking downstairs, well me, Harry, and Ron did. Draco was more so being dragged by Harry. Honestly, it was a miracle he didn't trip and fall face-first down the stairs.

"Will you explain everything at breakfast?" Harry finally asked to break the silence. I nodded my head before Ron joined in.

"Oh yeah, definitely. Mum will get a good laugh at this one". I looked up at him and rolled my eyes at his childish behavior. About a minute later we made it down all the stairs and had gotten into our seats at the table.

All throughout breakfast, Ron was glaring at the twins while I was trying not to break down and laugh at how uncomfortable they felt with his glaze on their every move.

Harry was trying to wake Draco up but it wasn't working because every once in a while I heard a light snore and then a slap on the back of the head. I felt bad for the dude but he dug his own grave... should've listened to your boyfriend.

I looked at Arthur who had a funny object in his hand as he looked at it thoroughly. I was about to ask what it was before Molly had already opened her mouth.

"So are you boys not going to explain what all this tension is for, does this have to do with the yelling that woke me up today?" Molly asked impatiently. This drew everyone's attention except Draco who excused himself and went to lay on the coach which earned an eye roll from Harry. Then Ron started talking.

"I don't know much but THEY did something to Blaise while I was owling, Bill and Charlie". He then looked at me and I started talking.

"Well when I woke up I seen, well I guess it was one of the twins, but I thought it was Ron so I kissed his cheek," at the mention of this I heard Ron groan angrily and so I grabbed his hand and held it in my own giving him a reassuring smile.

"Sorry about that by the way," I said in the general direction of the twins because I still wasn't sure which one I had kissed. They looked surprised at me apologizing, but I just continued my story.

"I then said "good morning, Ron" and they replied saying "good morning, love" while emphasizing the word love and that's when I realized it wasn't Ron so I screamed and jumped out of the bed but I ended up falling. Ron came in shortly after and then Ron started shouting at them. And that's basically all". I said while looking around the table.

Of course, the twins were snickering at each other. Ron was still glaring daggers at them both while discreetly pulling my chair closer to him.

Harry rolled his eyes at the twins and muttered something I couldn't quite make out but something like "so immature". I smiled and then continued looking around the table.

~My Mate~ ✔️Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat