Chapter Two: In Spite Of The Ache

Start from the beginning

"You couldn't. She was purrrfectly awful to you. I would have clawed her eyes out," Cat said with a hiss.

"Oh, I did so much worse than that. Every part of me wanted to hurt her for hurting me. At first, I didn't understand why I was so upset. It was a secret. She was my friend. It didn't seem like it should be that devastating, but it was. It was heartbreaking and when I get my heart broken, I lash out."

"All of us do dear," Ivy said, her vines curling around Lena's chair protectively.

"I did everything I could to hurt her. I used kryptonite against her, I betrayed her, I even worked with my brother. It brought me no peace."

"Why do you think that is, Lena?" Crane asked.

"Because I knew that the reason I lashed out and went crazy was because I was madly in love with her. I knew she had stolen my heart, and I just wasn't willing to face it. I looked at my brother and I knew I couldn't become him, or she would never love me. I knew I had to find a way back to her. She apologized to me many times, but I just couldn't hear it. I didn't want to hear it because I was so hurt. The last time she came to me, instead of an apology, she told me she was done. She told me if I continued working with my brother that she would treat me just like any other villain. Her words made me bleed. It was the worst pain I had ever experienced. Supergirl doesn't give up. She always keeps fighting for what is right. The problem was, I wasn't right."

Cat leaned in closer.

"What did you do?"

Lena unfolded her arms and relaxed a little.

"I went to her apartment, and I told her how sorry I was. I told her that my brother was up to trouble and I wanted to help her put an end to it all."

"Did she believe you?" Crane asked.

"She did. No matter how angry and hurt she was, she knew I was genuine. She could always read me like a book. It was her real superpower."

"Did you stop your brother," Harley asked, inching closer to Lena.

"For the moment, but we knew he would be back. It was hard. When we were working together, it felt like old times, but it also didn't. I saved her life twice and helped her protect her secret from the bastard she is dating now. Go figure! I did everything I could to show her how sorry I was. When she told me her side of it all, I understood how wrong I had been. She didn't keep the secret from me because she didn't love me. She kept it from me because she loved me. She wanted to protect me, and I mattered more than anyone else to her. I was so wrong. I've never been more wrong."

"Well, golly Lena, you're human. We all get it wrong, but your only crime was loving her too much. Trust me, I know how that feels."

Lena looked over at Harley and smiled. She didn't know why, but speaking to the group was oddly comforting. Sure, they were all costumed lunatics, but they were all listening attentively and supporting her. She hadn't felt that kind of support in a long time. Not since Kara had abandoned her.

"Thanks, Harley. I appreciate that. I appreciate all of you letting me get this out."

Crane gave Lena a kind smile.

"That's why we're all here. We all need to heal."

"We?" Lena asked. "So, you're not just a doctor studying us?"

"Nope. I'm one of you," Crane said, pushing his glasses up the bridge of his nose.

"It's your turn to share then," Lena said.

"No. Not tonight. Lena, if you feel comfortable, why don't you continue?"

"Okay. So, I saved her twice, protected her secret, and after we shut down my brother for the time being, we agreed to work together to take him down for good. We knew it would be a long road to recovery, but my heart was filled with hope again. It was a feeling I hadn't experienced in an awfully long time."

Too Crazy To Love ~ A Supercorp Fanfic (PART 1)Where stories live. Discover now