Chapter Thirty-Four

Start from the beginning

"Huh," Eve hummed, "Your eyes shouldn't be irritated over light. Was the surgery not doable?" She then muttered, "Doable is a word, right?"

Remy shrugged again, "Look babe, er- Dr. Eve, I don't remember much at all, you'd have to bring it up with my mom."

Eve made a mental note of the name Remy Valley.

"Here," Joelle came back with a stack of blankets.

"Thank you!" Roman said, taking it.

"Welp," Eve looked back at Joelle, "I'll check on you all later!"

"Bye!" Romam would've waved, but he couldn't. Remy just raised his hand and followed Roman.

He opened the door for Roman, "We have blankets!"
"We're back!~" Emily said, holding two boxes of pizza, Logan was right behind her, holding one box, drinks on top, and paper plates and napkins.

Everyone cheered, Emily and Logan helped getting everyone their share, then taking their own seats.

Remus was still sitting with Janus, Roman in between Virgil and Patton, Emily by Patton, then Remy, then Logan.

They were talking about whatever came to mind.

"What breed if your snake?" Patton asked.

"Janus has a snake?" Logan looked over from his book he brought when he went out with Emily.

"It's not an Anaconda. And her name is Jennifer." Janus said the last bit for Logan.

"Anyone else have any pets?" Patton looked around.

"I have cats! Two cats!" Emily jumped in her seat.

"I had a dog, but he was old and passed a few years ago." Virgil finally spoke up, taking off his headphones to contribute to the conversation, even if he'd rather listen to music and not talk.

"I have a pet fish. Siamese fighting fish, also known as the betta." Logan said.

Patton gasped, "You didn't tell us! Or me!"

"You never asked."

Patton giggled, "True, is it a she or a he? And what's its name?"

"It is male. My grandmother actually named it, since I didn't know what to name it. His name is Dan, after my grandfather, Daniel."

"Awww!" Patton cooed, "That's so cuuuuuute!"

Roman whined, "I want another pet! Last pet we had was a rat.."

"Ex-fucking-cuse?" Virgil asked, a look of disbelief.

Remus snapped his fingers, "Oh right! Killer! I remember her! God, she was a bitch."

Roman nodded, "Killer was our pet wild rat we found outside. She always stayed there, so we kinda made her a place that she stayed in. She even had baby rats!"

"Sadly, she didn't show up one day, and just never returned." Remus sighed.

"She wasn't technically a pet," Roman said, "but we still loved and treated her as such."

Remy snorted, "Wow. Guess me and Patton are the only ones without a pet."

Patton nodded in agreement, "I have to see your pet fish now." He said at Logan. Logan nodded, "That can happen."

Emily suddenly gasped, "No! Wait," She looked at Remy, "When I move in, I'm bringing my cats, so technically, they'd be your pets too!"

Remy laughed, "Nah babe, they'd still be your's."

"Nope," Emily shook her head, "you can play with them too. Sunset loves to play, Midnight is the best to sleep with, she's very affectionate."

"I'll take you up on that later," Remy said.

The teenagers continued to talk and eat, Eve stopped by to check on Janus and stayed to talk with them a bit before leaving.

Everything seemed to be working out just fine.
"No." Julian said on the phone, "I have no one to watch over them!"

"What about your ex husband? Can't he watch over the twins?" Her friend said from the other side.

Julian scoffed, "He's dead to the family. I'd rather cut my own wings off then do that."

"Yikes, hate him that much?"

"What he did was childish and- and fucked up!" She yelled, "He left over something as stupid as that!"

"Calm down. Look, I'm sorry, but I can't watch over them. I'll call you later or something, bye."

There was a click.

Julian groaned, running a hand through her hair. She could decline the trip. It'd lose a lot of the money she needs for bills and a car, but she could do it. She could leave them alone. No, last few times she did it, they trashed the place and fight all the time. Besides, neither knows how to cook, and she'd be gone for two whole weeks.

"What do I do, what do I do.." She muttered.

She debated it for a while, before sighing and picking up her phone, finding the contact and clicking to call.


"Hey, I need you to do something for me.."


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