4th Of July Special

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This isn't apart of the story, this is just a side story of the main story. This is simply a special.

Happy 4th of July!

"Come on, come on!" Little kid Remus yelled at his twin, Roman. Roman had one wing out, the other wrapped up in bandages from being tore off.

"B-But what if someone sees?" Little Roman said nervously. He doesn't want anyone to see him with one wing, they'll think he's weird!

Remus scoffed, putting his hands on his hips, "We have a big fence! They can't see you!"

After the whole incident, their parents decided to move.

Roman was silent before he nodded, "Ok." he whispered.

Remus cheered, flapping his tiny wings so he was hovering, grabbing Roman's hand, "Then let's go! Momma is outside!"

Roman followed, feeling excitement bubble up in his chest.

"Did dadda send fireworks?" Roman asked his brother. Remus shrugged, opening the door to there backyard.

Roman didn't say anything else, knowing how momma and Remus felt about dadda. But Roman still loves him. He's dadda! It isn't dadda's fault that he.. that his...

"Momma!" Remus yelled, flying to their mother. She opened her arms, letting Remus fly into her chest. She wrapped her extremely light green wings around him, "Hey Remus, is Roman here?"

Remus nodded, flying down to his brother's side. Roman smiled at his momma. The mom ruffled Roman's hair, "Hey, how is your wing?" she asked.

Roman tucked in his wing, "It doesn't hurt." he reassured.

She smiled, "Good, now how about we try one of the fireworks your dadda bought?" she had a thin smile at thinking of him.

Remus scowled, but Roman beamed, "Yeah, yeah!"

They started fireworks, Remus hiding behind Roman for the louder ones, Roman saying he won't let anything hurt him.
Virgil was with his dad, the two watching TV and eating pizza. Virgil looked outside, "It's dark." he muttered.

The dad looked out, "Are you wanting to do fireworks?" he asked. Virgil hesitantly nodded. He didn't like asking his dad for too much.

"Can we call mommy after?" he asked with hope. The dad smiled sadly, "Maybe. She's very busy at the military."

Virgil nodded, "It's ok if we can't."

The dad sighed, "Alright kid," he stood up, stretching out his dark blue wings, "Let's go."

Virgil smiled a small smile, following his dad to the closet with their few fireworks and such. The dad picked a few, letting Virgil do the same.

The two headed outside, Virgil seeing that his dog was asleep. "Get the dog inside." his dad said.

Virgil nodded, walking over to the old dog. It was white with a few brown spots. He didn't remember what the breed was called.

"Jupiter, let's go in." Virgil pet the dog. Jupiter woke up with a big yawn, wagging his tail slowly as he stood up and followed the boy.

Virgil opened the door, "In here, Jupiter." Virgil's wing flicked inside. The dog walked in, going immediately to the couch. He shut the door, looking back to see his dad getting the few fireworks set up.

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