Chapter 19. (Under Rewrite)

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*Ochako's PoV*

Izuku and I glared at the larger dragon that is the traitor Monoma with seething anger, the emotion being more prevalent in my boyfriend's brimstone orange ones. "You ready for this Izuku?" I ask whilst channeling One for All through my index finger at max power, getting ready to keep the traitor off my Izu's case for as long as I can.

"Do you even need to ask?" His response was filled with confidence as I could see him quickly looking back at me and flashing me the best smile he can muster before looking back at Monoma and giving him a vicious growl. "It doesn't have to be like this Monoma. You and I can just turn our backs to each other now and walk away. No one else needs to get hurt tonight."

My soulmate said to the traitor, giving Monoma one final warning that now would be the ideal time to just walk away.

"This is it Izuku, this is what your anger management has led you to. I am so proud of you. But I doubt Monoma's going to leave this be." I thought to myself as I was genuinely glad that my that the boy who I had known since him and I were young had done so well to control himself, despite everything that's happened.

"Don't worry Galakrond, there's just one person who's going to get hurt and it's that wretched woman on your back!" The former student of 1-B shouted before he began scraping his claws against the rock much like a bull would to the dirt. At this, Izuku lowered his body close to the ground slowly, and this was what prompted Monoma to begin charging at us.

With a final look back at me, Izuku gave me a look that asked if it was really alright to do this. Being the girlfriend that I am, I gave him a nod and a reassured smile. I can sense his faith that everything will be alright, I could feel it seeping from his own body into my own feet as he turned his head back to the U.A traitor, and with all his strength, he heaved up onto his hind legs and let out an ear-splitting roar, spreading his wings out and calling in the fires from a mile around us. "Alright, come at me Monoma!"

Monoma charged at us like a raging bull, ready to ram into us at full speed and knock Izuku over while trodding me underfoot. And he would've done so if I hadn't aimed my arm forward, and with One for All at max power in my index finger, I sent a huge wave of air pressure right into the backstabber's snout, stopping him dead in his tracks before his body was sent flying straight off the mountain. "Gaagh! God this hurts, but I gotta keep fighting! I'm not going to let Monoma anywhere near him!"

My will was that of pure iron, I would not let this obsessed bastard get even an inch closer to Deku. "HERE IT COMES OCHAKO!" Hearing my boyfriend shout this out, I quickly turn my eyes to my left as the area gets brighter and brighter, only to see torrents and streams of fire rushing towards Izuku at the speed of lightning.

Without further warning, the rivers of fire slammed right into my boyfriend at full force, nearly knocking me off of him from the shockwave that had echoed across the area right after. "AAAAAARGH! I FEEL LIKE I'M BEING RIPPED APART!"Although All Might had told me that Deku was able to siphon and channel the fires around him, he never told me that it was a painful process.

"I am so going to beat the shit out of his stepdad later on for not telling me shit!" As I said this to myself, I noticed Deku's body heat skyrocket, his heat causing me serious discomfort as he siphoned off the fires within the surrounding mile.

"GRAAAAAAGH!!! GET THESE THINGS OFF ME!!!" I was stunned and confused to hear him say this as I looked down to see what he was talking about, only to see that he had brought his forearms up and began clawing away at his armoured plating.

I instantly got as close to his ear as I could to try and get him to stop tearing his plates off. "Izuku you can't do that! If you do you'll end up bleeding out and causing so much more dam-" I was cut off from my sentence mid way when he suddenly ripped the last two upper plates off of his chest and torrents of fire suddenly reach into the cavity in his chest and straight into his heart, allowing him to channel it more effectively.

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