Chapter 24. (Under Rewrite)

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*Izuku's PoV*

"AND GO!" Those two words that our teacher Midnight shouted to all the remaining first year students, all of them in groups of two to four, was what sparked me to act.

Without much thought, I began rushing towards the onslaught of students that came barreling our way, each of them looking for the 1 million bandana that Ochako possessed, all of them like wild animals, all hunting for the same prey. Yet this prey just happened to be in a symbiotic relationship with the king of predators, the top of the food chain. Me.

Given that I was at a size of standing seven metres tall and growing over eighteen metres in length, weighing at a hefty twenty two tons, my sheer size alone made me almost invulnerable to attack as I could easily quash the other participants beneath my large claws that reached a lethal thirty eight centimetres from the base to the tips.

I knew I could easily kill someone if I wasn't careful with my footing, so I made sure that I would remain as steady as I possibly could. And the other students weren't stupid either, they knew to move when they needed to when they saw me charing into them. But of course they weren't after me, they were after the brunette that stood on my back along with our two friends, mainly the bandana she had.

Which was precisely why I kept my head and wings up to make sure that none of them could accurately see where they were on my back. Put it simply, I didn't want them to know where they were, like making them think that they're on my lower back, closer to my hips, when they are just on the back of my neck. As I reached the onslaught of students, the first one to come at me head first was immediately thrown out of the field when I rushed into them with my massive head.

"COME ON NOW, WHEN YOU SEE ME RUSHING TOWARDS YOU, START RUNNING!" I shouted to the now collapsed group as many more started swarming us, quirks lighting up like wildfire as I turned to my large head to my left and shouted out the three smaller people on my back. "Ashido, Eijiro, be careful of the right!" I exclaimed as I lowered my head to the rushing students, their quirks going mad as I roared at them just strongly enough to cease their pursuit.

I kept my wings up on guard so as to make sure no one would come in and try to steal the bandanas from Ochako while I wasn't looking, but while I kept my focus on the right, I felt something pierce through my right wing. As I screeched, I turned my head around and saw the culprits responsible.

Todoroki's group that consisted of Iida, Yaoyorozu, Denki and Shoto himself stood completely still as a large rope loomed over them, a rope that was consistently moving with my wing. When I saw why, I could see that they had fired a harpoon into the base of my wing, and it was a rather large one at that. I can't tell just how big it was, but it was definitely capable of breaking through the thin and flexible scales of my wings, that much was certain.

I heard a little beep coming from the metal object as the frequency of it got faster and faster until it just sounded like one continuous beep set to loop. I had a feeling what would happen next, and I wasn't going to let them get off that easily. I quickly wrenched my wing towards my body so hard that the device that launched it came flying up from behind them, nearly taking Todoroki's head in the process.

And just in time too, cause the harpoon in my wing just exploded. The whole thing combusted and my right wing had been blown to pieces, the fire immediately dissipated and all that was left was the smoke as my wing membrane between my second and third finger tore apart and a portion of my wing came tumbling down.

I grunted as the ground boiled with my blood when my limb hit the floor, but now I can return the damage. Just before it could collide with my body, I brought my hand up and caught the device between my claws. As I glared at Todoroki, my eyes exploded into living fire just as my right hand did. The metal started to deform and shrivel, I could hear it chip as the fires crackled and burned in the air around it.

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