Chapter 25. (Under Rewrite)

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*Izuku's PoV*

"Alright sweetheart, up you go. Yagi over here will help you out." Said Recovery Girl as she and I help Yaoyorozu out of the bed. It had been nearly an hour since the events of the Cavalry Battle with our team having come out on top.

As it turned out, the cloud had been so thick that some students had passed out not long after with the smoke filling up their lungs more than what oxygen was in there. Those that hadn't by the time I dissperessed it were probably crackhead-determined to not pass out and try and make it out on top.

That doesn't mean they were able to continue though, some have been coughing so much and so hard that they actually vomited. That's nasty. All of them were so weak that they had trouble sitting up straight, and that's including the ones that woke up not long after. Ochako had thrown up her guts over my side and passed out, Kirishima as well except he had thrown up on her top a little as well, though mostly it was on his face. For some reason, they had both thrown up rainbows. What has nature come to?

As for me, I spewed up a slab of lava that solidified really quickly into granite, though it was a little bit. At least I know I can make granite. All jokes aside, I hadn't passed out from spinning around in circles as before dispersing the fog, but I was incredibly dizzy and needed some time before I was able to get back up with my legs shaking before I could walk.

With all the other groups unable to get up right away or were unconscious, the top groups were able to carry on into the finals, which included me, Ochako, Kirishima and Mina despite her having been knocked out during her fall earlier. She's doing good now, or at least as good as she can be, it's difficult when you have a bandage wrapped around your head and one eye.

Despite that little nuisance, she's not letting it stop her, and has woken up a little while earlier and had made her way back to the benches. Once I was confirmed to be alright, I stayed around the infirmary to help out those that were recovering. Which is how I ended up here. "Alright, up you get Yaoyorozu." I told the onyx-haired girl as she put her right arm over my neck and I started helping her out of the infirmary.

"Alright, easy now, watch your step." I told her as I helped walk her over to the door. Once we were out, I pointed her over to the railings that helped lead back to the stands. As she grabbed hold of the railing and began walking back to the stadium, she waved back at me and called out her appreciation for helping her out as I waved back to her before walking back in and repeated the process.

I did this until there was basically no one left inside. I carried on until Kirishima was out, until my squad was out, literally until everyone was out. Well, all but one.

Ochako had remained unconscious since the end of the Cavalry Battle, and it's been stressing me out for a while now. Recovery Girl says that she'll be alright, but everyone else was out already and are on there way down to the field. I was beginning to lose my patience.

While I sat over Ochako's unconscious body, holding her hand as I did, my tail swayed from side to side on the tiled floor. "She should've been up a while ago. What's going on Recovery Girl?" I asked, becoming increasingly agitated by my girlfriend's unmoving state.

As she walked back into the room holding two large plastic boxes that were easily as tall as she was, if they were laying on the floor with one stacked on top of the other, she responded from behind the objects. "That is something I am unsure of son, but I'm sure I'll get you the answers." As she put both plastic boxes on a table nearby as best she could, she turned to look at me. "Now come here a moment would you?"

I assumed she needed my help to come and help her with the boxes, so, begrudgingly, I let go of Ochako's hand and carefully laid it beside her before getting up from my chair and walked over to the medic of U.A. When I got close enough, I was about to ask her what she wanted me for. Then, I felt a sharp pain in my middle toe on my left foot. "Ow!" I yelled out as I immediately hopped onto one foot and held the other, yelping all the while.

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