Chapter 26. (Under Rewrite)

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*3rd Person PoV in an unknown location*

Looking through a large panel of glass, rods of blue lightning all being conducted onto one certain point, the screams of an animal in pain echoing from inside, the doctor stood there, unfazed by his subject's condition.

"How's the little one coming along, doctor?" The voice of what can easily be a monster in a skin suit of a man was heard from the smaller scientists right, the doctor turning his head to meet the gaze of his master.

"He seems to be adapting well to his new body. Not long after this is complete, I will begin administering the quirk to him sir." The doctor says, turning his eyes back to his latest experiment. "Though the quirk transfer process will take approximately two to three weeks in order to complete"

"That's not a problem for us DR Garaki. We have all the time in the world. As far as society is concerned, we do not exist." The mysterious figure retorted. "And how is the World Breaker doing? Has his body finished adapting?"

"I'm afraid the process is going to take much longer than we had initially thought I'm afraid, but the good news is that he's adjusting to it better than I could have ever hoped for. I'm almost tempted to keep him in that cell for longer to see the results."

"All in due time good doctor...All in due time." The man in a dark, almost pitch black business attire looked out the window to see the unmistakable shape of what appeared to be a reptilian serpent that had three eyes on each side of its skull, and six tentacles circling the back of its head.

In another part of this mysterious location, a dark room that was as black as any empty void on the inside stood, reaching hundreds of metres tall and wide. All one could see would be pitch blackness, but to the creature inside, it was more than capable of easily navigating through this dark terrain. But sleeping inside this dark room with what appeared to mold and rotting flesh forming at the door was not the mindless, undead servant that is Hisashi Midoriya.

The only thing that hides behind these doors labeled 731...Is a place where only mad things walk.

*At the Sports Festival, Izuku's PoV*

I breathed in and out while I peacefully tried to sleep, hearing the chatter of my classmates and the students of the other classes while the unrecognizable voices of everyone of the civilians present talked among themselves.

I rolled over onto my side as I hummed, which came out more like a hiss while I napped. Or rather tried to. Sleeping in the middle of the day was hard enough, but add an entire stadium full of people to the equation and it makes it downright impossible. Still though, I wasn't in the mood to really talk with anyone, so I kept up the scene that I was sleeping and kept to my own thoughts.

"You should kill them all, you must kill them all." A whisper snuck into my head, the voice was that of my bastard dad. In an instant, I went from lazy house cat to guard dog on high alert. My head darted up from the floor and I looked all around me, making sure that it was just me hearing things.

Thankfully, it looked as though it really was just me who heard it. My dad has been trying relentlessly to succumb to dark thoughts and eventually committing them, but it's not going to work. It will never happen, I refuse to become the same villain he is, over my dead body.

Good thing that I can always rely on Kirishima to divert my attention. "Hey Izu-bro, are you okay, you just jolted up out of nowhere for something?" My head darted towards my best friend while I cocked an eyebrow at him. It wasn't until I looked down at the floor that I realized what he meant.

I didn't just raise my head up, I was also standing on all fours. I turned my head back up to meet Kirishima's eyes, feeling a little embarrassed. "You wanna talk now?"

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