Chapter 28.

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"Alrighty ladies and gentlemen, the first round of the first-year finals are about to begin!" Present Mic called out from the microphone up in the staff booth. "I don't know about you all, but I feel like this match won't last long, but might also take an unexpected turn! What do you think Aizawa man!?"

"I think you should shut up and just watch the games. Too tired to hear you rambling before every round."

"YOU HEAR THAT FOLKS, HE'S PUMPED FOR THIS ROUND!!!" Present Mic screamed with the audible sounds of a chair being forced onto the floor.

"I hate you so much, the world hates you," Aizawa responded with some urgency in his otherwise dead tone with the audience grimacing at the mildly muffled voice. The two then descended into a squabble that was muted by Nezu and the board for a while until they settled it whilst Midnight and Ryuko walk onto the field below.

"Okay ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls of all ages, as your hostesses for the day, allow us to bring in the first contestants of the first years' finals!" Midnight chanted into her microphone as Ryukyu walked beside her, her microphone close to her mouth. "On my left comes the student from 1-C's General Studies! The boy that can be easily mistaken for Erasurehead's long-lost child!"

"And you're next, I have just decided." He said with one hand gripping his gear, strangling Present Mic like Homer Simpson to Bart whilst simultaneously urinating into an empty Lucozade bottle.

"The grimaced boy himself is coming onto the field now! Give it up for Hitoshi Shinso!" Midnight finished, and the crowd erupted into cheers as the purple-haired boy in question walked out of the pathway and into the light of the fighting field again.

"And on my right, the head student of class 1-A of the Heroics Course! A living, breathing cataclysm, the dragon that makes the sky rain fire! Give it up for Izuku Yagi!" Ryukyu called as she held her hand to the other side of the stadium.

Although everyone in the stadium cheered for Shinso when he entered, the crowd was twice as loud when Izuku was announced to come into the field. A mix of gleeful cheers and jeerful boos erupted throughout the stadium, and it only got noisier once the boy-wonder himself came into view.

Or rather, the dragon-wonder.

From the air, fire erupted and quickly turned into a thick cloud of black smoke as the mighty black dragon dove down and gave everyone a little bit of a flight show. With his wings blazing, he flew close to the rim of the stands and allowed himself to glide in the air, the speed he was going with causing a strong gust of wind to blow into the faces of the crowd as he flew overhead.

 He releases an empowering roar that shakes the very foundations of the stadium before tilting to his right, turning towards the centre of the stadium and with one large beat of his wings, he throws himself high into the air spinning like a tempest. The fire in his wings faded and left nought but smoke.

When turning back down, he was in the direction of the end of the fighting field he was supposed to walk onto. So, with swift and agile movements, he twisted and turned in the air like a snow leopard in the mountains before landing gracefully yet powerfully onto the ground, releasing one final scream that sent the crowd into a vicious frenzy.

Now, more people are cheering for him than there were booing for him.


"You are not that fucking interesting, no one wants to know that you work six hours a day and two at night before going home and jerking off to hentai for four hours." Said Aziawa as he continued to strangle his co-worker with his restraining gear, both unaware that they had been unmuted and other pros were coming to break them apart.

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