Bonus 3

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7 year old Jin had just got out of school when he saw their family driver Mr.Oh rush to him. "Jin. Your Eomma is about to have the baby." Jin looked up at the older man and smiled brightly "Jinja! Hurry hyung! I wanna meet her! Kaja!" 

Jin smiled the whole way to the hospital. He hurried out of the car and grabbed his hyungs hand as he pulled him to the hospital building. Once inside the older led him to the room where his parents waited along with his baby sister.

"Jin meet your baby sister, Kim Jennie." His Appa smiled fondly as he picked up the young boy so that he could see his sister "Appa she's so pretty." He said in awe as his parents smiled "And her name is like me. Jin and Jen." Their mother laughed as she opened her arms for a hug from the boy.

The next day Jin stayed at home with his friends and prepared for his sisters arrival. "Hyung! Appa said they're almost here!" Jin shouted as Myungsik and Suho rushed over with the cake and gifts they had all bought for Jen.

The boys smiled as the adults came home holding the little baby. They had all been worried that the kids would scare her with the loud noises but the three just smiled silently as they approached them. "Anneyong Uncle!" Myungsik smiled as he handed flowers to Mr.Kim who smiled and ruffled his hair playfully.

As Mrs. Kim took Jen to her newly decorated room the boys followed her like chicks, Once she had laid her down the boys all gathered around her crib as they all looked at her in awe. To them Jennie was the most precious person.

8 months went by and the baby girl started playing with her brother and his friends. Others would have expected such young boys to hate that all the attention was on someone else but these boys loved it. They could shower her with love and pamper her as much as they wanted.

In this time she was introduced to three other kids, only a  few months older than her. These three would in the future be her best friends. That was probably the one moment the boys had been jealous. Jen had given all her attention to the three kids and ignored her brother and his friends but after some time she had started crying for her brothers to hold her.

Months turned into years. Jin was sitting with his friends studying when he heard giggling behind the study door. He glanced at his best friends who signed for him to stay quiet. They all knew what was going on. The door opened and they heard the sound of feet across the carpet. 

The boys smiled to each other as they heard giggling. In sync they spun their chairs to face the culprits who tried to run away but were caught by the older boys. The four shrieked as they they were tickled by the older boys. Jen had been behind Jin. Areum behind Suho while the boys behind Myungsik.

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