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I was sitting in my room thinking about my best friend. I knew her since I was born. Our parents were business partners so we grew up together. I cried hugging my stuffed bear. All four of us had matching bears. We were sisters more than friends. She was the one I turned to when I needed someone. The one I told about my crushes and my feelings. 

I took a deep breath and headed to the roof. When we were little we always gathered at the roof to see the stars. It was our safe place. We would cry, scream and laugh there. I reached the roof to find my other two friends sitting there cuddled up next to each other. I could hear Chan crying. Jae looked up at me and motioned for me to come next to him. I sat next to him and he pulled me in for a hug. 

"It's okay to cry Ari, you don't have to hide from us. Let it all out love." I burst into tears as he rubbed my back. "What are we gonna do without her Jae. We were suppose to grow old together. She was suppose to go to uni, get a degree. I miss her." "I know baby, we all miss her. She was our sister, we all love her but we can't bring her back. We have to be strong, for Jen." I nodded my head as I grabbed Chans hand. "Shes not gone Noona, she'll always be in our hearts. We won't let her memory die." He said looking up at me. 

We spent the night there, cuddled together like always but we were missing a part of ourselves.

"Eonni, if something ever happens to me I want you to promise me that you won't let the others go weak. You won't ever leave them alone." Jen said as we stood on the roof. I turned to her "Yah! Jennie! What are you talking about? Nothing is gonna happen to you. we're gonna grow old together." She smiled at me "Eonni, please promise me." I sighed "Fine, I promise." We turned back to watch the sunset. 

I got up in the morning to see both the boys still asleep. I kissed their foreheads and headed downstairs. Mr. Kim was in the kitchen, his eyes were puffy as if he had been crying all night. I greeted Eonni as she gave me breakfast. Everyone else soon joined us except for Jin Oppa. It was all so familiar yet it felt so wrong. Breakfast wasn't the same without Jen. There was a tension over us as Jin Oppas entered. He Looked at Mr. Kim and turned around "Noona, I'm not hungry."

"Jin, please just listen to me!" Mr. Kim called out to him. He turned around in anger "Listen to what? About how your wife is the reason my sister hated me for years or how you told Jen that she was nothing but a burden? Why are you crying now? You should be happy. You got rid of that burden. We thought you loved us but we were wrong. She's DEAD! My little sister is DEAD because of you and your family." Mrs. Kim and Jisoo entered the kitchen as he turned to them "Tell him! Tell him how you made my sister believe that I hated her. Tell him how you told her to move to boarding, how you excluded her, how you tried to kill her! Tell him how you forced her to eat seafood knowing she was allergic. You must be happy Jisoo, you're finally an only child." He cried as he headed outside with Joonie Oppa rushing after him.

"What did he mean?" Mr. Kim asked after a few minutes. "He's in shock honey, he doesn't know what he's saying." Mrs. Kim spoke up. I scoffed making her glare at me. Suho Oppa got up "Tell him then? Tell him how she protected you even after all you did. She still loved you, after everything that happened." He left the room followed by the others. "You both ruined a family. I hope you rot in hell for it." I said as I followed Jay up to Jin Oppas room.

YOU'RE NOT MY BROTHER!!!Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя