Chapter Nineteen: War

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Dhu watch his new army and knew that he will be ready to attack soon with the new monsters on his side, he will win his throne, it has been almost a year of recruiting new beings and training them, changing children from humans to Fay, Thanatos must have been useless to the new Queen because of Dhu. Within a month he would be ready to start the battle, Lucifer walk toward him looking worn out from traveling.

"Well done my son, you have recruited enough people and creatures to win this war, where is Florence?"

"She going to get something to eat then going to sleep, she sends her apologies but thought you would understand" Lucifer bow before Dhu

"The new Queen has been accepted, I felt it the ripping of power, the last link to the throne, I will need to kill her when we attack if I am to become King, you need to rest for now then train until we march within the month"

"Yes, my King, what will happen if you are not link to throne?"

"I do not have unlimited access to the Kingdom anymore I need to find another way in. Lucky, I know all the access points, ones not even they will think about or find, now go and rest do not worry about the plan I will tell you everything tomorrow"

Lucifer walk up to the house to sleep not wanting to argue with Dhu. Dhu study Lucifer thinking there is something different so he went to find Florence, to interrogate her to find out what they were hiding from him. He flew around the camp looking and searching for her, Dhu ask every officer he found and no report her back for the mission, he flew to every healing point the other Fay have made to help their power, not one person could report seeing or hearing Florence's safe return.

Dhu flew back to the house to find Lucifer asleep on the sofa, watching him a while, Dhu read his mind only to find it blank, Dhu reach out to touch Lucifer's shoulder and his form disappear, an illusion which disappear before Dhu's eyes.

"Your grace we are being attack" one of the officers ran in "the war has started"

Dhu raced back outside to find a war between his own officers and the other creatures along with a new army, his officers were losing as every creature and other Fay were on the new Queen's side, he couldn't understand what had happened he shouldn't be losing when he saw Florence, Lucifer, Theo and Aeneas helping the new Fay and the children get out of the fight and leading them to a portal that lead to the castle, the new Queen is keeping this portal open with her brother. Then he realizes the Queen's power, even his most loyal would betray him his body began to shake along with the ground, his hands in tight balls and the air around him became cold, the sky once clear and sunny had become litter with dark storm clouds, rain began to fall hard and thunder and lightning light the sky.

Dhu flew up high and head towards the new Queen, when he is hit in the side by an unknown force, landing on the ground with an earth-shaking crash he saw Theo knelt in front of him. Theo knew that Dhu is after his daughter and need to protect her.

"So, your daughter brings you back to our world then?"

"Yes, she does and we are staying, you will not hurt her"

Dhu laugh and sent a shadow ball at him, Theo block it with a vine from the ground some were sent towards Dhu, who flew upwards to avoid being trap, the vines followed him up trying to get him, Theo follow him as Dhu went higher and eventually stop the vines. In the air, both were fly different spells at each not one had landed.

Willow and Cypress watch as their father fight in their stead, they forget about the portal, they just froze.

Florence felt torn between going to Dhu and staying with the young, she wants to help him in this fight but she knew there is a high chance Dhu could turn on her and kill her before she could help him. She stood watching Dhu, she jumps at a scream close to her, a child stared at another soldier who is cover in blood, heading toward Florence and Lucifer.

"Stand down, soldier, you will not harm the children and the new ones" Florence order, drawing out her sword to point at him.

"You are no longer in charge here Florence, you are helping the enemy we no longer fear you" the soldier said, others started to stand around him laughing.

"You should" a grin crosses her face; her eyes light up. Florence charged at him and make light work of solder, slicing his throat within seconds, soon it became a fight between Florence, Lucifer and the other soldiers and creatures that were still loyal to Dhu, both Lucifer and Florence making quick work of all near them, not one soldier could beat Florence normally but she had something to protect she became unstoppable. Florence never thought of herself as maternal but she knew Dhu had gone to another level killing these children, and Florence will be dam before she harms a child.

Every kill gains the new Queen more power in this world and Florence will help every chance she got, she had met the new Queen without Lucifer knowing and became convinced that this is what the world need, even if the new Queen wouldn't let her live after the crimes she had commit. She saw every one of her commanders run toward her to fight her and Lucifer, not one of them survived attack her, she became drenched in their blood and turning to the children that were still there, she knew that they were going to be safe.

"Willow, Cypress pay attention, we still got young children to get through" Aeneas said not looking at Theo

"But Aeneas look, what if dad gets injury or worse?" Cypress said pointing at Theo

"He knows the risk and we need to save more then we lose, understand?"

Cypress look at him in disbelief how could he say this about his own son, and look at his sister, she is still watching Theo fighting.

"Willow, come on we can help afterwards ok? The children here need our help more" Matt said, his eyes follow Theo

"Come on" he tries to grab her arm, turning to face her but she moves towards their father, flying going through the fight attacking all though still fighting, knocking them out before anyone else got kill then she heads up towards Dhu.

Willow flew a fire ball at Dhu, it landed directly in his back, Dhu scream in pain. Then thrones were being thrown at him, again it hit him and made him land, Willow turn to see Cypress next to her.

'Together?' Cypress

'Together' Theo and Willow answer

Lucifer and Florence took over making the portal making sure it stays stable for every child to walk through. They watch as the last child walk through, both turn to see Elliot still fight against the soldiers that had come close to portal, both of them ran to him but were too late, Elliot fell to his knees, the soldiers moved passed him, Lucifer killed them all. Florence pick up his small body and held it, silently sobbing.

"He was scared you know?" Florence said, her voice shaking "of everything but he still tries learnt everything so quickly"

"I know Florence but now it not the time leave his body next to the portal we can take him home then"

Still in the air above them all, Willow, Cypress and Theo flew around Dhu sending attack at each other, Dhu throwing attacks back trying to take down Willow, no hit landed on her, she moved to quickly for them to hit her. Theo stop for a second thinking, he couldn't last much longer, he hadn't practice magic for fighting in a long time. His children were doing much better than he was, both their power in full bloom. Then Dhu fell to the ground exhausted.

They surround Dhu and cheer echo across the land, every soldier still fighting had stop fighting, those on Dhu side where on their knees, swords on the ground, however Willow knew that this war was far from over. The storm raged around them.

"It's over Dhu" Theo said "give up and you'll get to a quick death"

Dhu stared into the ground, thinking, slowly a smile creeped across his face and he started to laugh. Dhu got back onto his feet, summon his sword, look at the three of them stood still, then charged at Willow. Theo suddenly appeared in front of her and Dhu's sword pierced him through the stomach then disappeared into smoke. The battleground fell into silence.

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