Chapter Seven: The Fair Queen inn

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Back in Ommel, Aeneas is sitting outside the Fair Queen inn, watching the few villagers going about their day not once taking noticing him, most of them were fascinating about himself and Matt came on the first night, Matt keep to the story that Theo wanted, simple offer for Theo from the tourist board to write about areas and attractions in Australia with Cypress and Willow if they so wished. Aeneas did not argue with him; it seems to be for best at least for Theo and the children.

Aeneas wonder if Theo has managed to tell his children everything about their family yet, most of his thought were with the new Queen, she will have to be ready for the fight ahead alongside her brother. When Aeneas meet them, they both seemed physical ready for the war but not mentally, Theo had protected them from the truth, about himself and about the previous war, Aeneas agree they were too young as Theo was. Matt and Theo were barely 15 years old when they were called to fight the war but together, and Andrew and himself had be in the war far too long before they join, the four of them plus the old Queen ended the war against Dhu, this time he knew that the war was different, this time is Aeneas knew Dhu had other plans, something more powerful that trolls, criminals and children.

The old Queen knew exactly what her brother was doing, he remembers the Queen endlessly trying to convince Dhu to see sense and join her, each time she would come back without joy. Aeneas suspect that Philip knew more about Dhu's new plan than he was letting the council know, perhaps if they had time alone before he had leave for Ommel then Philip would have told him, both he and Philip do not trust the council, however Death seems to have earn both of their trust over the years. Death had help Aeneas escaped his torture and brought him to Theo, after that, he couldn't remember what happen only that he lived, only to guess that Death didn't want him yet.

"Here's your drink" Matt sat down beside Aeneas "it seems that I have distracted you from your train of thoughts Aeneas"

"What did you make of Theo's children?"

"I don't know, I didn't talk to them I suppose I can give an opinion later on, after we meet them, but I can't get over how much Cypress looks like Theo"

"Yes, I suppose; Willow looks a bit like her grandmother mixed with her mother" Aeneas sigh taking a sip of his drink.

After this Matt notice Theo, Amina, Cypress and Willow walking toward them. This surprise Aeneas, he thought it just Theo and Amina but to be join by Cypress and Willow must mean that Theo has told them everything and wish to know more before going to the council. This is what Aeneas would have advised if he was more involved in their life.

"Hello dad, Matt" Theo greeting them warmly "why don't we walk back to the house?"

"Yes, I would be a great idea" Aeneas answer

"Why not get some hot drinks before we go? And Matt and Aeneas can finish theirs" Amina suggest "we're here now"

"Ok coffee everyone?" Theo asks

Most of them agree "hot chocolate please dad" Willow request

"Sure thing, sweetie"

Theo greet Elsie who was just finish serving a couple behind Matt and Aeneas. "Please sit, the drinks are bound to take a while" Matt said getting up "I'm Matt, it's a pleasure to meet you all" He shock each one of their hands as they sat down, each one of them spoke their names after shaking.

"So how was the trip?" Matt enquires

"Eventful, but I'm glad to be home and I forget how long the drive was on the way back" Amina replied

"Eventful?" Aeneas chimed in

"Yes, but I'm sure that part can wait" Amina stated coldly

"Amina, I think we need to restart, don't you? If all of you are going to be working for my company on behalf of Australia, I think it is best we get along" Aeneas ask

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