Chapter Eleven: The Meeting

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They all sat in the dining room, Anderson, Philip, Ellery, Theo, Amina, Cypress and the three commanders, Balthasar, Clark and Hope, Ellery at the opposite end to her. Willow sat at the top watching them all interact, arguing about what next to do, all overlapping their opinions not one listening to other. Aeneas sat next to her leaning back in his chair, looking like he's doing the same thing but he wasn't paying much attention. With a jolt, Aeneas turn to Willow, "you might want to stop this soon" he said quietly to her

"I know are council meeting always like this?" She answers back

"Only without a leader" Aeneas wink at her

This seem to give just enough confidence to Willow to stand and silence fell to room. They all turn to her listening.

"Tell me, what exactly do you know about Dhu and his army?"

"Only that he will be recruiting all types of beings again, so we have been doing the same your grace, under the old Queens orders but as far as we know he is only kidnapping lost children. Should we keep up the recruitment?" Hope asks

"Yes, it will be a good idea as long as they are also being trained to fight, I don't want a weak army" Willow turn to Hope sitting back down "Anderson, where are Rose and Cassandra? Why is it only you two that have return?"

"Rose turn on us, we had learnt that she had told Dhu where the safe house was. By our laws, we had to kill her for treason, Cassandra under took this task being her sister but was stop." Anderson answer

"So, where are they?" Theo wonder

"Dhu killed them both unable to tell the difference between them, the other commanders appear before Dhu could attack us. We guess what happened and came back" Philip answer

"Is there such a list for the dead?" Willow ask looking at Philip and Anderson

"There's a memorial book why?" Anderson said

"Add Cassandra name, her death was a mistake and unnecessary." Amina said, knowing her step daughter.

"What do you want the rest of us to do my Queen?" Balthasar asks

"What did Gwidden ask of you?" Willow reply looking ask Balthasar.

"I was training the new recruits for the royal army and Ellery was order to keep the border to the council halls safe until now" Balthasar said, turning to look spiteful at Ellery

"Like I said, I need a strong army keep training them, we should move back to Ommel, clearly dad's protection is better than the current council can offer me but I think if we had a spy, Ellery's army will provide extra protection around our home instead of the counsel halls after all my counsel will be living there." Willow said looking around daring people to argue with her, all look into their laps. Balthasar seem to be disappointed in this choice but didn't want to argue against Willow.

"Where will they live? I mean as much as Elise would appreciate the business, we cannot have everyone there and we don't have enough room at the house" Theo said

"You have trees around the house?" Ellery ask "we can live in the trees; we are Fay after all"

"Dad can you and Matt set up the protection again at home?"

"Yes, we can, come on let's move no time like the present Ellery if you come as well you might be able to spot any holes I miss; I get our things back into the car" Theo said heading towards the door

'This is the beginning I think' Willow thought to herself

'Yes, it is but you already have an army and you will be protected by the best part of the army even if the rest do not believe it' Aeneas reply to her 'you trust me enough for me to read your mind and respond, thank you'

'I think I'll need all the help I can get the ability to have a conversation mentally will provide this, can you teach myself and Cypress?'

'Yes, but lets us get home'

"What about our powers? I know Aeneas and dad did unlock some of our power earlier but Aeneas also said there are more powers that the council can unlock" Cypress ask

"Yes, but we need the book of elders, there are spells that we need to help unlock these power" Anderson answer

"Ok you two get on with that and meet us back at our house, bring them all I wish to study them" Willow requested.

Anderson nodded and left alongside Philip.

"One day barely that, some protection, let's go home" Theo said

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