Chapter Three: Dinner and New Arrivals

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"IT'S ON THE TABLE!!" Cypress holler through the house as he put down the last piece of cutlery, the dining room contains large mahogany table and the walls were painted silver, it was an open plan room joining the living room and the hallway to the front of the house and Theo's bedroom.

The kitchen had been recently renovated, completing it into open room entirely. Before this, the kitchen was a basic room with simple counters, cooker and fridge, but ever since Willow and Cypress had become adults, Theo had put in plans to change the kitchen. It was now a modern, slick kitchen with a large electric oven, a double door fridge freezer with a drink dispenser, and the counters were made for light grey marble and went alongside one wall in between the cooker and the fridge freezer.

"Oh Cypress, when are you going to see your mum?" Theo inquired

"I'm seeing mum in two days, she will be released in two weeks from now, it will be good that she finally released," Cypress replied cheerfully

"Two weeks!! Where is she staying? Pleases tell me she got a place to stay" Theo ask

"Yeah, she did, my place."

"Tell her she can stay here, I love for her be here, I'll make sure that the spare room is ready for her before we pick her up"

"Same here, it's fantastic that she's is being released" Willow chimed in.

"I'll lend you a hand, dad, with the spare room" Cypress stated

Amina was accused of killing someone who broke into their home, this man was going to kill Cypress and Willow who was 10 and 6 at the time and were both asleep. She was innocent as there was something else behind it and made the man commit suicide and Amina tried to help him, however, the police had turned up alongside Theo. After years of protests, and new evidence found from Theo, her conviction was overturned in count.

Theo and Amina were always great friends after they split up and Amina was a second mother to Willow as was Helena was a second mother to Cypress, the reason Theo and Amina split was that they fell out of love and they were too different. They split when Cypress had just turn 3 years old just after they renovated the house, 5 months afterwards Theo met Helena, Willow's mother, in Mexico City. They were soulmates, one of the purest loves anyone has ever seen. Both Helena and Amina were best friends the second they met however, Theo wants Amina blessing before dating Helena which Amina slapped him and called him the biggest idiot she has ever met and if he didn't ask her out immediately after this conversation, she would personally murder him with his own weapons. Theo and Helena get married after dating for 7 months, Helena was one month pregnant at the time although neither one of them knew it.

"I'll let her know when I see her, thanks dad, she'll appreciate it."

"Cypress, my son, I love your mother and I will soon regret having her back soon enough your thanks will be short-lived, but I will take it for now" They all laugh at Theo words, "anyway, lets tuck in" Theo announced.

Theo glanced over the Willow, she looked happy but there was a slight sadness in her eyes. Helena was dead. It almost destroyed Theo to see Helena's body both children were crying. Theo was away on a business trip and an enemy broke in. Amina was there, this was the true reason she was arrested, the courts found her guilty of the murder of the assassin, the court was never shown the CCTV footage of the children room, where the man killed Helena then stabbing himself. There was no answer to Helena death, no true justice to it.

This plague Theo, always feeling the failure one: to protect his family and two: to answer Willow and Cypress questions. Amina told him it will be his downfall, to be perfect and to be the one in control, at least he could bring home one member of his family.

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