Chapter Sixteen: Studying

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Theo watch the beast sleeping in the study, she seems to take to following Theo around the house. She has been there for a week and everyone seems to call her Morganna but Theo refuse, just call her girl. She never like the other much, she doesn't mind Willow but rather go to Theo so Theo feed her and check her over, she could walk but not well or very far and would cry if Theo left her sight so more often than not Theo would carry her to where he would be.

Matt search everywhere along the Bodmin moor and the surrounding around to find her home but when he found it, the rest of her family were killed by the Spriggen. Matt assume that it was her parent and siblings as no cubs were there, she would be the last of her kind. Theo hope that Anderson and Philip will see sense in resurrecting her family or allow a normal panther to mate with her, the last thing Theo wanted is for her to be alone, he knew this far to well. Theo didn't mind the beast following him around and at times found himself talking to her and she would growl and purr in answer, and at night it became a comfort to him to hear her breathing not that he would let the others know this.

Matt and Aeneas were staying in an outhouse Theo mostly used to store his gardening tools in, the Fay surrounding the house had moved this into the alter world and clean the place, putting in two single beds, Theo already had a separate toilet and sink in there, but it was only large and warm enough for them.

Theo look out over the garden, Matt and Ellery is training Cypress and Willow how to use a sword, Matt is training Cypress and Ellery is training Willow. Theo like Ellery, he seems like an able commander and was very protective of Willow and Cypress, the other commanders don't seem to like Ellery that much because he is young, was not in the first war and didn't have much war experience, this however doesn't bother Willow as she also didn't have any war experience either. Theo was reminded of someone when he looked at Ellery but could never place it. Willow lost her footing and hit her head, and Theo went over to her.

"You ok? Let me look" Theo said moving towards the back of her head

"I'm fine dad, just lost my footing that's all"

"You hit your head your highness" Ellery said "it may be best for you both to rest for awhile we've being training for hours now, you need to eat"

Theo help Willow up; he couldn't find anything wrong but still worried about it

"I'm fine dad what should we have for lunch?" Willow pat Theo's arm and slowly Theo let go

"Come one Morganna" Cypress said, Theo turn and look at her, Morganna walk slowly down to head indoors still limping slightly.

"Come on girl you're stronger now" Theo said, this seem to work and she move quicker than before but still limp.

"You like her, you'll miss her when she's gone" Willow smile at him

Theo growl at her when he walks pass her. Amina and Aeneas seem to be in a heated discussion about something and stop when they saw Cypress and Willow

"What's the matter?" Theo look at them

"It's nothing" Amina got up "lunch I'm thinking bacon sandwiches"

"Dad what's the matter?"

"Nothing for you to worry about, Theo"

"Amina, Aeneas what were you talking about?" Willow demand from them.

Amina and Aeneas look at each other in panic

"We were talking about the war. You are both to young for this and I am express my concern as your mother Cypress" Amina said

"Yes, we are but we don't have a choice mum, Dhu will hunt us down and kill us, he has already tried at least twice" Cypress answer

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