Chapter Fourteenth: Death

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Thanatos watch the children holding swords, playing with their new found magic, fight the soldiers learning to fight in this new war. He watches every child soul appear then disappear before his very eyes in his halls in the afterlife, and knew exactly what happen to them and knew where to go, to the new Queen and the other it looks like he just disappears but he was summon away to deal with the deaths of Cassandra and Rose then this he hadn't had chance to go back to them.

Thanatos knew that none of the children will see him, their transition were too quick for them to take notice but he still stayed on the outskirts to make sure that Dhu would not notice him and to see if Dhu was there, he couldn't see the lights on at the house so he decides to take a closer look. A reminder of sorts for him

The house is still the same as he left it, no wonder Dhu is regaining strength so quickly if this is what he is living in. Thanatos look at the books on the side that he assume Lucifer was studying, there were council book that Dhu manage to steal from last time, the council has many different copies of the same book but these were the originals that the old Kings and Queens fill out themselves and had different information that the council omitted from the other books so Thanatos pick them up to carry them back to the new Queen. He thought the new Queen will do well. If what he has seen is true so far then she will exceed exceptions for all those around her, she is strong willed although this war will decide how the strength goes, it will either take it or give her more.

Thanatos look up at the painting and thought about the family that was in. They all look so innocent but if King Ellis saw what had become of the two children he had adopted, Thanatos thought he would be disappointed in both of them, as they grew they were inseparable, some people would say that they were interchangeable unable to tell the difference, learning everything they could together but when they became adults, Dhu decided to learn more dark magic, Gwidden could not follow him and that's where it began, the descent of one and the rise of another. King Ellis try to reason with Dhu, try to get Dhu back on side but fail. As we know Gwidden could not convince him to keep on side, they still care for each other over years. Dhu still had a lot of hate for their parents and one day they both came back with their parent's head, no one knew what Gwidden went with Dhu but this is when they both went their separate ways and not contacted each other until the war had ended. Thanatos left, not wanting to come back

"Hello Thanatos, I wonder when you would come" a voice behind greet Thanatos

"Hello Mason, how are you? I see you done so much to the house, at last"

"Still prefer being old I see; Mason is dead" Dhu said

"You are still that child Mason you always will be and now no one will listen to you, now your sister is dead"

"You know nothing Death, especially when it comes to my sister and me"

"I know more than what you think"

"I am sure you think you do now we be seeing more of each other if my plan goes well you have to come"

"Your plan would not happen if it was not for me"

Thanatos left to go to the new Queen with the books he acquired, he thought about what Mason said, he starts to think about how to regain control.

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